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We believe in living quite literally by the words written in our Bible. By taking God at His word and truly living by faith that He will indeed provide and show us the way in even the smallest of circumstances.


This home church ministry requires things, things that mean money most come from somewhere.


If we are to go on providing materials, ministering, serving, helping meet the needs of other believers, etc... we will go to God, and Him alone, to tell Him our needs. We will then rely on Him to meet those needs.


If you feel it pressed upon your heart to contribute to our ministry, we would be thankful in more ways than we could properly express here. Below is more info on how you could do so.


May God's will be done, to the glory of His name, forever and ever. Amen.

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“Be assured, if you walk with Him and look to Him, and expect help from Him, He will never fail you.” 

― George Mueller

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