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Writer's pictureBrandon & Heidi

Seeing the Unseen - Weekly Devotional Study

We hope you all enjoyed the 21 Day Bible Reading Challenge we just completed as a church! The next event won't begin until March 2- so we have another 3 weeks to continue in implementing our new habit of dedicating time each and every day to digging into scripture! NO EXCUSES!

The first 21 Days was to create the habit and just read, read, read- now let's take these next 21 days to dig in, study, cross reference! A tool we're loving is the study Bible from Yeshua Elohim, found HERE, and always feel free to reach out to Pastors Brandon & Travis!

For our next study, starting March 2, we'll be studying through Randy Alcorn's 'Seeing the Unseen'. It's a 90 day devotional to set your mind on eternity- we'll be releasing a short video on our church YouTube page (subscribe HERE) and discussing the daily topic Monday-Friday for the 90 days. There is also a PDF study packet, found HERE.

You can purchase the book through Eternal Perspective Ministries (save 20% in the month of February) - click HERE and use coupon code 'APPRECIATION20' (all caps).

You can also find it on Amazon, HERE is our affiliate link.

The book is $11.00 - while it won't be completely necessary to have to do this 90 Day Study with us, it would be beneficial! And I think one that you'll enjoy using over and over.

Our theme verses for this study are 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. Take some time each week to commit these verses to memory:

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal.

(2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

We will provide a book for anyone who wants to join in, but does not have the financial means to do so. Please just email and let us know. For anyone that would like to make a contribution so that we can ensure that no one is turned away, please visit the page HERE to learn how you can donate. (Just note that it's for the Seeing the Unseen study materials) We do all through the generous donations provided by the Lord through His church body- you all are amazing! Thank you! ♥


So- to recap:

  1. Continue making an hour or so (minimum) of your day TOP priority to get into the word and study the scriptures.

  2. Order a copy of Seeing the Unseen by Randy Alcorn.

  3. Download and print (if you prefer) the PDF study packet linked above.

  4. Subscribe to our church YouTube.

  5. Set a reminder- March 2 we begin!

Every Sunday at 12 EST we have Bible Service online, Wednesdays at 8 PM EST we're studying Bible Prophecy, we offer studies for the kiddos each Sunday, with a bi-weekly evening service as well! (currently in Hebrews) Come and join the Facebook group where we stream it all! Click HERE!

See you all there!

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