Welcome to our bi-weekly family study- Superbook Sunday! Every-other Sunday we'll feature 1 episode from the amazing series, Superbook, along with their Family Discussion Guides! Join us in the church group (HERE) for the kids to join in with discussions, questions and more!
Discuss these things! Ask questions, encourage the kiddos to come back to the group thread and share thoughts/questions, read the scriptures, draw pictures, etc... Pastors Brandon & Travis are always available for their questions too!
Visit the Superbook website HERE, you can sign up for reading challenges, games, and more! There's also an app that you can do much with. :)
Enjoy! We can't wait to hear what you learned about! I encourage my kids to watch the same episode even a few times throughout the week so we can catch things that maybe we didn't notice before.
Be sure to join us each Sunday at 1 EST for Pastor Brandon's Sunday Bible Service and Bi-weekly for our Evening Bible Service with Pastor Travis at 8:30 PM EST. All are held in our private Sanctuary group, www.facebook.com/groups/aphomechurch to join us!