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our family

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Our story is long and messy, but one thing remains the same- we keep finding ourselves being called out. Being set apart. 


We're a husband and wife, married as teens and celebrating a 15 1/2 year marriage. We're parents of four kiddos from going on 2 years old, up to 15. We're a couple of nobody's seeking to grow as disciples of our savior, Jesus the Messiah, and to serve every single person He might put in our path.

We started homeschooling our oldest after removing him from the public school system in the middle of first grade. We hadn't the slightest idea what we were doing- but we never looked back! When it came to our other children, we knew that homeschool would always be the best path for our family. This website started as a way to share the homeschool plans I was creating for our kids with anyone that might possibly be looking for Biblically based, yet minimalist minded materials. I knew I was tired of being overwhelmed by too much packed into a homeschool curriculum and plan, and I thought maybe someone else out there might be ready for a change too.


But little did we know...


This website became MUCH more than that. God has been working in our lives, ever so patiently, growing us. Molding us. Refining our hearts. We had left our jobs at the beginning of our homeschool journey to pursue our own business- leaving the 9 to 5 and being our own boss. We did all that... but then again, God called us out. He's set us apart. 


We moved out to the country, to the mountains of Western North Carolina, to a town we'd never even heard of before. Then, our business that we rely on for everything started to fade away. As the well of our business/worldly success dried up, the Spiritual well within our home started overflowing! While we had all grown up believers of Christ- we've never had this level of Holy Spirit living within us, directing our every move. It's unlike anything!


With our business fading out, God has been slowly telling us it's time for change. We must walk this by faith- let our business fade away. Step out by faith, and faith alone, and not by the worldly security of our own doing but by His provisions. So we are.


Our family has now come together to put our focus on our home church ministry, A & P. Serving by sharing homeschool plans, sharing things we do, what we've learned and lifting up this community of believers- this community of families that see that the rat race of this earthly life is not our focus- because our focus is on Christ. Pure and straight. 


We've created an eMagazine to share much insight and encouragement from other homeschool families, we share a podcast with various discussion of faith related matters in this life, marriage, family, we share our family's day to day of application of all this in our YouTube vlogs, and even host a live YouTube stream each Saturday at Noon to join in fellowship with one another.


We're excited to see where God leads us, what He does and how we can pour out our lives to serve Him; we're excited to have you here! Connect with us- we'd love to hear from you! You can sign up for email updates in the box at the bottom of the page, email us any questions and send us anything we can lift up in prayer for you.


Welcome friend, we're glad you're here!



Brandon, Heidi, Travis, Lily, Virginia & Olivia (plus the dogs.. a cat... a bunch of chickens... ;)

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