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Minimalist Homeschool | Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 for the Big Kids! These kids are growing up and now really entering the age group where their minds are developing and their maturity is growing allowing for them to really start digging into formal education. We run our year starting in September, breaking for all major holidays, and ending in May. The summer is reserved for lots of outdoor play and family fun! We usually actively do 'school' 4 or 5 days a week - but are always learning through the experiences around us. Feel free to modify the plan to fit your family's needs!

Be sure to get your FREE copy of our book, The Minimalist Home, to read before you get started! You can also pull up our suggested school supplies list HERE.

Our kids are ready for daily instruction, but equally as responsible for acts of service and works too. This book HERE is a great resource to our outlook!

Each week we have suggested daily tasks for various categories to cover focusing on READING | WRITING | MATH. Don't feel pressured to check off every item. Some weeks or even days they may be more into it than others. If it's a day they're not into it- that's ok! Let it go! We want to foster a love of learning to last a lifetime, forcing this work can set up a really negative outlook for years to come.


When they're not interested, focus instead on free play, including them in the work you are doing around the house, let them learn through real life experiences (grocery shopping, making dinner, helping with the family budget, household chores, etc...). 

Below the core subjects are suggested topics for the ELECTIVE subjects. Keep a minimalist style in your scheduling - each day do just one of the elective projects vs. doing some of every elective each day. These projects are also recommended to be done as a family with all siblings (if applicable) while the daily core subjects are done independently with direct instruction from you.

I suggest you take a peek at the links for the UPCOMING month ahead of time for anything you may need/want to order or pick up. Anything for the elective projects - we aim to do just one elective topic per day, so feel free to move them around for days that the project fits best or you're able to get the needed supplies (if applicable).

Have fun above all! Any questions/issues/concerns - contact us at

September 2017



  • Bible: We're going to start by reading in the New Testament with Luke's account of Jesus! Here's a great little intro video, click    HERE!  

- Read Luke Chapter 1 together as a family (we use NIV or ESV) - after you've read Chapter 1, let the kids journal about what they've learned. Little kids can draw a picture about the story they've heard, the bigger kids can draw a picture, write about what they learned or questions they may have.

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : Luke 1, p.216-219; Luke 2, p.221 & 224; Luke 3, p.225 & 231; Luke 4, p. 226 & 234; Luke 5, p.235

        - Watch What's in the Bible and The Bible Project Part I and Part II

  • Reading: Your Big Kid is probably already reading (Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons & Teach Your Monster to Read can help for those struggling here, if you're dealing with dyslexia or similar, relax and spend as much time as needed reading with your child until they're ready to take this on alone.) - Daily they will have reading to do independently (based on their ability).

- Let's start by reading Charlotte's Web! ​(If you also have any Littles your Big Kid can read daily to the younger sibling if they are a strong enough reader, or you can read it to both of them if your Big Kid is struggling.) It's great to read a fun book and then watch the movie at the end, so that's what we'll do for most of these. Aim to read 1 chapter per day- morning or in the evening, doesn't matter. If you aren't able to read one day, no worries! Some days you may read 2 or 3 chapters- just move at whatever pace works and engages your kiddo!​

- We will be using The Good & The Beautiful for Language Arts, there is a reader with that you can download/buy or you can use only this for your child's reading. There can never be too much reading in a home! You can use this book AND the reader from the language arts program - read aloud, let your Big Kid read independently, whatever works best!

  • Language Arts: Be sure you've read through our 2017 - 2018 Supply List as that goes in more detail about this program we're using for Language Arts this level and next. If you have not done so already, read through this assessment document and work through the assessment(s) as needed. I did a few assessments to find the right fit for my son. Although he will be 13 this September, I will be holding him back here in this level this year as he's struggled with dyslexia and poor eyesight that went unnoticed for too long (sigh) and I'd rather make sure he's got a strong foundation at this level before moving on.

- This week you can spend each day with practicing 5-7 of the spelling words (practice all week, test at the end), working through 1 lesson (but spend more time if needed), select a poem to practice & memorize (practice as often as needed and they can recite once they've memorized it all) and then the suggested reading that we discussed above.

  • Math: Math: Set up an account at Khan Academy, this will give them missions to work on to learn math skills from how to count up through high school. Engage your kiddo throughout the day in situations that require mathematical skills to navigate and solve - hands on experience is a great help in growing these skills. 


  • Baking: In the spirit of back to school & excitedly waiting for the season to make it switch into autumn, this week's baking project is apple shaped cupcakes! Yummm! Enjoy!

  • History: The Story of the World is our history text. It covers the history of the world in informational but fun stories that our kids can relate to and learn from. HINT: I buy most of my books (well, most everything I buy ;) from Amazon- but they have great used book options too! [If you have younger kids: feel free to read this book together as a family instead of reading this to the older kids and the suggest book for the Littles to them -- just use this one as it covers the information they need.] Read the Introduction and Chapter 1 this week. Watch THIS & THIS video.

  • Science: Let's start off the year playing with eggs! A fun favorite is to submerge an egg in vinegar and watch it transform. See some fun egg experiments HERE!

  • Crafting: Fill out this back-to-school quiz! Draw a special picture on the back- these can be such fun keepsakes each year!

  • P.E.: Yoga is such a great and FUN activity that the whole family can enjoy! Put on something comfy, make some space on the floor, and be ready to listen, focus and stretch. No talking during the video- we must listen and follow the instructions of the story. Click HERE


  • Bible: We're continuing on through Luke, you probably read up through chapter 5 last week. (No worries if not, just start where you are!) Chapter 6 talks about the Sabbath. Do you guys remember and observe the Sabbath? We personally didn't fully observe it (and sometimes still struggle) but it's definitely a special command God gives us. I HIGHLY recommend 24/6 to dig into this topic a little deeper. Remember to take some time after each day's reading to add a page in their journal.

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : Luke 6, p.237; Luke 7, p.243; Luke 8, p.245-247 & 251; Luke 9, p. 252-253 & 256; Luke 10, p.259

  • Reading:Let's continue reading Charlotte's Web, aim for 1 chapter per day but move at whatever pace works for you!

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Continue on with your Lessons, Spelling Words & Poetry memorization in The Good & The Beautiful. You should have 5-7 words to work on through each week and do 1 lesson per day (but take longer if your child needs it).


  • Baking: Baked apple chips are such an easy and healthy snack, here's a great recipe!

  • History: Read Chapters 2 & 3 in The Story of the World. we're starting to get into Ancient Egypt which is so much fun. Anytime you find a place of interest in the book, do a quick YouTube search of the place to get a better understanding of what it's like there. We LOVED taking a virtual journey down the Nile River! Watch THIS & THIS.

  • Science: September is all about apples... and there's nothing better than volcano like explosions. Have fun making these Apple Volcanoes! Here's a little video on volcanoes (minus the apples).

  • Crafting: Stamps can be made out of many different things, here's a fun project to make stamps out of apples! If the weather's nice- take this project outdoors! Less worry about mess, and some natural inspiration!

  • P.E.: Let's go on another Cosmic Kids adventure! This time we'll be journeying with Arnold the Ant! 


  • Bible: Luke 11 starts with Jesus sharing with his disciples how we should pray, we know this as 'The Lord's Prayer'. Here's a cute video to watch, click HERE.

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : Luke 12, p.260; Luke 13, p.2261; Luke 14, p.2262-263; Luke 15, p. 2264-265

  • Reading: Continue reading Charlotte's Web, aim for 1 chapter per day but move at whatever pace works for you! (We should be on Chapter 11-15, about half way through.)

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Continue in The Good and The Beautiful at your level. Spelling words, lessons each day, reading practice and poetry memorization. (My son is NOT a poetry fan, never did like it. But through memorization of the poems and of scripture I do notice growth in his retention, his confidence, attention span, etc... -- so keep at it! :)


  • Baking: Friday is the first official day of fall, here's a delicious recipe for a super autumn themed treat!

  • History: Read chapter 4 in The Story of the World. Watch THESE videos.  What's in the Bible Genesis and Exodus are great shows that will discuss the Biblical timeline to go along with our reading. 

  • Science: Let's do leaf rubbings this week! What is special about the season of fall and what it brings? Each season in life is very special and brings about change- what seasonal changes are your favorites?

  • Crafting: Science can double as crafting, or you can add in an extra fall activity HERE if you'd like.

  • P.E.: Enjoy this week's Yoga Story, why yoga for kids? See more about that HERE.


  • Bible: Luke 16 is continuing on with accounts from Jesus' life. Pause and discuss the things that Jesus points out as a good trait or a bad trait. What are some of these things? In our day to day lives, how can we adjust our outlook and actions to be more Christ like?

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : Luke 18, p.266-267; Luke 19, p.275 & 277

  • Reading: Let's continue reading Charlotte's Web, aim for 1 chapter per day but move at whatever pace works for you! (We should be on Chapter 16-20, we're almost done, next week we'll finish the book and enjoy watching the movie together!)

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Move on to the next week of words and daily lessons in The Good & The Beautiful.


  • Baking: Glazed apple cinnamon bread for breakfast on a cool fall morning? Yes please! (add a tsp of pumpkin spice into your coffee while it brews too! Mmmm!)

  • History: Read Chapter 5 in The Story of the World. Watch THIS.

  • Science: Let's start a project to keep going into next month, sprouting Indian corn!

  • Crafting: Let's make some flour free, Apple Pie Play Dough! Not only will it smell like fall, but we can make some letters and numbers with it too!

  • P.E.: Here's this week's Yoga Story


October 2017



  • Bible: We're finishing reading Luke this week. Chapter 22, verses 26-27 is such an important one. How can we apply this to our daily lives?

- Read Luke Chapters 21-24 together as a family (we use NIV & ESV) - after you've read 1 Chapter each day, let the kids journal about what they've learned. Little kids can draw a picture about the story they've heard, the bigger kids can draw a picture, write about what they learned or questions they may have.

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : Luke 22, p.279-280 & 282; Luke 23, p.283-284 & 286-289; Luke 24, p.291-293 & 296

  • Reading: We're finishing Charlotte's Web! Once you finish reading it, watch the movie [HERE and HERE]! This is a fun exercise to see what difference you find in the movie(s) from the book. Compare them with your kid(s), what version do you like best?

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: We should be around Lesson 21 in The Good & The Beautiful and on the 5th set of spelling words. Continue on with these activities.

  • Math: Practice on Khan Academy, this will give them missions to work on to learn math skills from how to count up through high school. One of the best ways to learn beginning math concepts is through day to day life -- encourage your Big Kid(s) to help with as many math related tasks at home is huge! Grocery shopping/budget, baking, measuring, etc...


  • Baking: October officially kicks off the Season of the Pumpkin! Let's make these Pumpkin, Oatmeal, Chocolate Chip Cookies this week! (The oatmeal makes them healthy right? ;)

  • History: Read Chapter 6 in The Story of the World and then watch THIS video.

  • Science: How's the corn sprouting project going? Isn't it incredible to see how perfect and intricate all these details and processes are? Yet God had everything perfectly balanced and timed when he crafted every single thing on the Earth.

- If you thought erupting apples were fun, let's apply the same science with pumpkins!

  • Crafting: We love switching up little details and decor around the home to welcome in each changing season. Here's a great project to make some lovely autumn window decals.

  • P.E.: Yoga is such a great and FUN activity that the whole family can enjoy! Put on something comfy, make some space on the floor, and be ready to listen, focus and stretch. No talking during the video- we must listen and follow the instructions of the story. Click HERE


  • Bible: We're moving into John this week. Watch these videos first, HERE and HERE. Remember to take some time after each day's reading (just a chapter per day) to add a page in their journal.

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : John 1, p.227; John 2, p.228; John 3, p.229-231; John 4, p.232-234; John 5, p.236

  • Reading: We're going to start reading The Trumpet of the Swan to our Littles this week! Aim for 1 chapter per day but move at whatever pace works for you! [An older sibling can read this to the younger sibling(s) if they're strong enough readers.] Here's a video of a swan 'trumpeting'.

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Continue on in The Good & The Beautiful - how are you liking this program? Be sure to reach out in our Parent Facebook Group if there's anything we can help with!

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy practice.


  • Baking: Here's a fun, lazy morning breakfast treat! We always substitute our recipes with organic ingredients and scale back on the sugar. While we focus on healthy, well rounded foods for our meals-- a special time one day each week to bake a yummy treat is such a fun activity for our family!

  • History: Read Chapters 7 & 8 in The Story of the World this week. Watch THIS & THIS.

  • Science: Let's learn about the process that pumpkins go through when they decay - click HERE! You can save your post-Halloween Jack O' Lanterns to investigate if you want.

  • Crafting: Not much is prettier than the leaves changing color in the fall (if you live in an area where this doesn't happen- feel free to use artificial ones) - have fun preserving some leaves and making a leaf mobile, or simply string leaves with ribbon or twine and decorate your home!

  • P.E.: Let's go on another Cosmic Kids adventure! This time we'll be journeying with Alice in Wonderland!

- BONUS : Watch the original movie or the live action remake!


  • Bible: John 6 starts with Jesus feeding five thousand men with just five small loaves of bread and two fish. Here's more on where this happened.

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : John 6, p.253-254; John 7, p.267

  • Reading: Let's continue reading The Trumpet of the Swan, aim for 1 chapter per day but move at whatever pace works for you! (We should be on Chapters 6-10)

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: We should be on the seventh set of words and around Lesson 35 in The Good & The Beautiful. Remember, if your child needs more than one day per lesson to really understand the concept- that is just fine! Take all the time you need. Likewise, if they go through more than one lesson per day (and truly understand it all), that's ok too! If they're constantly going through more than one lesson per day you might even want to consider moving up a level or re-doing the assessment linked on Week 1.

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy practice.


  • Baking: Let's make some Apple Cider Muffins this week! Yumm!

  • History: We're learning about India this week, read Chapter 9 in The Story of the World and watch THIS.

  • Science: We have seen so many beautiful colors come from the trees leaves a they change colors this autumn. But WHY do they change colors?

  • Crafting: Let's get outside this week and create art with the natural elements we can find! Be sure to post a picture with #theminimalisthomeschool so all your homeschool'in friends can see too!

  • P.E.: Who's ready to try some yoga on the MOON? :)


  • Bible: John 11 is continuing on with accounts from Jesus' life.

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : John 11, p.274; John 12, p.276; John 13, p.279-281

  • Reading: Let's continue reading The Trumpet of the Swan, aim for 1 chapter per day but move at whatever pace works for you! (We should be on Chapters 11-15)

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Continue on in The Good & The Beautiful for your Big Kid(s) level(s).

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy practice.


  • Baking: One of my favorite treats around Halloween time as a kid was caramel apples! Here's a great (and easy) tutorial for making bite size caramel apples! Top with whatever you'd like!

  • History: Read Chapter 10 in The Story of the World & watch THIS. We looked up silk worms actually making silk and it's very interesting!

  • Science: Here's a fun, but kinda spooky sensory project! HINT : You might want to take it outside if the weather's nice! ;)

  • Crafting: It's fun to dress up for Halloween, play games and eat yummy treats - can you come up with your own costume? Bonus points if you can find the materials you need already in your house!

  • P.E.: Here's a fun little dance to work off some of that sugar, Ghostbusters!


  • Bible: John 16 is again going into the account of the end of Jesus' life. It's so sad to read about the death of Jesus, but really shows us just how deeply God's love for us is that he would send His only son to die for all of our sins. And we know, that although Jesus died on our Earth because he was partly man, he also rose from the dead 3 days later because he is God, our King of Kings! Can you imagine being one of the people that saw Jesus after he rose from the dead? Wow! How amazing that must have been!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : John 18, p.283; John 19, p.284 & 287-288; John 20, p.293

  • Reading: Let's continue reading The Trumpet of the Swan, aim for 1 chapter per day but move at whatever pace works for you! (We should be on Chapters 16-20) You can finish the lat chapter this week if you'd like- if not, we'll finish it next week and watch the movie!

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: We should be on Lesson 45 in The Good & the Beautiful, on the 9th chunk of spelling words and hopefully memorized a couple poems so far too! Keep working through the packet at a pace that works well for your Big Kid!

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy practice.


November 2017



  • Bible: We're finishing reading John today and then move into Acts. Watch this episode of What's in the Bible, and The Bible Project HERE and HERE. After you've read 1 Chapter each day, let the kids journal about what they've learned. Little kids can draw a picture about the story they've heard, the bigger kids can draw a picture, write about what they learned or questions they may have.

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : John 21, p.294-295; Acts 1, p.296-297; Acts 2, p.298-300; Acts 3, p.301; Acts 4, p.302-304

  • Reading: We're finishing The Trumpet of the Swan (if you didn't already finish it last week- otherwise catch up/finish now) Once you finish reading it, watch the movie! This is a fun exercise to see what difference you find in the movie(s) from the book. Compare them with your kid(s), what version do you like best?

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: The Good & The Beautiful -- continue through the packet.

  • Math: Practice on Khan Academy. One of the best ways to learn beginning math concepts is through day to day life -- involve your Big Kid(s) as much as possible!


  • Baking: November is a special month of thanks and gratitude. While we should always have an attitude of thanksgiving, this is a special time to really focus our hearts on this. Let's practice some pie recipes to pick a favorite for Thanksgiving dinner! Mini Apple Pies are a quick and easy one!

  • History: We're on Chapter 12 and in the Middle Kingdom of Egypt! You can check out THESE links too!

  • Science: Let's watch salt crystals form with this project HERE. HINT: You'll want to give these a few days to really form.

  • Crafting: This is a fun little project to do HERE, you could make one main tree and everyone in the family could add their thumbprints in different fall colors.

  • P.E.: Start adding this relaxing yoga routine in before bed. You could do it every night, or just use it for one special day (like Friday to unwind from a full week). Parents- you might really enjoy incorporating this! :)


  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day starting in Acts 5. Remember to take some time after each day's reading (just a chapter per day) to add a page in their journal.

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : Acts 5, p.305; Acts 6 & 7, p.306; Acts 8, p.307-308; Acts 9, p.308-309 & 314

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Almost 1/2 way through the lessons by now! Feel free to mix it up too-- practicing spelling words can be writing them on a chalk board or painting, use dough to make the words, write them in ABC order, typing them, etc... Some times I print out the worksheets, sometimes we do it verbally, and other times we write it out on the whiteboard and work the problems out together. Whatever makes it enjoyable for everyone! :)

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy practice.



  • Baking: This week we're going to make a pumpkin pie, 100% from scratch! This is so fun and tastes AMAZING! Enjoy!

  • History: Read Chapter 13 of The Story of the World - Pause to Google or YouTube search the ancient lands and people we're reading about. It's a super easy way to give everyone a visual image of the things we're reading about. Your kids are bound to recognize the things they see in these videos, it's what most of us picture when we hear 'Egypt', watch HERE.

  • Science: Learn the science behind, and make your own butter!

  • Crafting: We're working on a couple projects to prepare for our special Thanksgiving feast. Let's make these candle holders - eating by candlelight is such a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Maybe you can line these down your table and turn off the lights for dinner. We're also going to make a hand print Thanksgiving runner (like what we did for Halloween). Every year we can add to them- what a great heirloom this will be!

  • P.E.: Continue doing Goodnight Yoga before bed. You could do it every night, or just use it for one special day (like Friday to unwind from a full week). Parents- you might really enjoy incorporating this! :)


Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! We are so very thankful for each and every family we get to enjoy this project with. Praying for peace and blessings to you and your family! ♥

  • Enjoy your week off- hopefully you can show off some of your recent recipes and bake something special for your loved ones. Make sure to use the table runner, candles and leaf decor we've made over the past few weeks too!

  • Some Thanksgiving themed movies : Free Birds | Charlie Brown | Little House on the Prairie (not specifically Thanksgiving, but a great show for family time!)


  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day starting in Acts 10. Remember to take some time after each day's reading (just a chapter per day) to add a page in their journal.

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : Acts 10, p.310-312; Acts 11, p.315; Acts 12, p.313; Acts 13, p.315-317; Acts 14, p.317-318 (top paragraph)

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: We should be on Lesson 60 or so and the 12th grouping of spelling words in The Good & The Beautiful for your kid(s) level(s). ​

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy practice.


  • Baking: Let's finish off November with these delicious Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Cookies!

  • History: We are on Chapter 14 in The Story of the World. HERE'S a couple videos and THIS is an AMAZING documentary! It's available on Netflix too (or was the last time I looked). Definitely worth a few bucks to rent though!

  • Science: How and why do pinecones open or close? Try this experiment to see if you can figure it out!

  • Crafting: As we start to transition into winter, how about this project for cinnamon stick candles!

  • P.E.: Continue doing Goodnight Yoga before bed. You could do it every night, or just use it for one special day (like Friday to unwind from a full week). Parents- you might really enjoy incorporating this! :)

December 2017



  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day starting in Acts 15. Be sure to journal about what they've learned. Little kids can draw a picture about the story they've heard, the bigger kids can draw a picture, write about what they learned or questions they may have.

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : Acts 15, p.318; Acts 16, p.318-320; Acts 17, p.321-322; Acts 18 &19, p.322-323

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: We are officially half way through The Good & The Beautiful lessons! If you need to take some extra time-- don't worry! Hopefully your family is seeing the difference this program is making through it's teaching method. If you need to make tweaks and adjustments to suit your kid(s) need(s)- feel free! Every one is different!

  • Math: Practice on Khan Academy. One of the best ways to learn beginning math concepts is through day to day life -- going into the holiday season can be a big help! Organizing giving and donations to those in need, budgeting for family treats or trips, lots of baking and cooking, etc...


  • Crafting: Christmas time is the perfect time of year to really focus our hearts on Jesus. On giving. On kindness. This is a great project that the whole family can enjoy!

  • P.E.: Start adding this relaxing yoga routine in before bed. You could do it every night, or just use it for one special day (like Friday to unwind from a full week). Parents- you might really enjoy incorporating this! :)


  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day starting in Acts 20. Remember to take some time after each day's reading (just a chapter per day) to add a page in their journal.

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : Acts 20, p.323; Acts 21, p.323-324; Acts 22, p.324; Acts 24, p.325

  • Reading: Continue Mr. Popper's Penguins - we should be on chapters 11-15 this week! Read one chapter per day.

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Continue in The Good & The Beautiful, make sure to incorporate the spelling words that have already been done and mastered to keep them fresh in your Big Kid(s) minds! Maybe there's even a poem they've been practicing that they can recite for family & friends at any upcoming Christmas get-together's?

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy practice. When that's done, how about playing Zilch? Put math skills to work with a fun family game! Let your Big Kid be the score keeper.


  • Baking: Do you have a favorite family cookie recipe? Christmas is a fun time to make a special cookie and share with others!

  • History: Read Chapter 16 in The Story of the World and watch THIS.

  • Science: Here's some fun Christmas themed science projects! 

  • Crafting: Do you have a nativity set? What about making one? Here's a few ideas to pick from.

  • P.E.: Continue doing Goodnight Yoga before bed. You could do it every night, or just use it for one special day (like Friday to unwind from a full week). Parents- you might really enjoy incorporating this! :)


  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day starting in Acts 25. Remember to take some time after each day's reading (just a chapter per day) to add a page in their journal.

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : Acts 25, p.325-326; Acts 26, p.326; Acts 27, p.327-328 & 330; Acts 28, p.329

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Finish up this week of The Good & The Beautiful and any additional poetry memorization practice if they're going to recite it for family & friends! :)

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy practice.


  • Baking: It's the coziest season of all, enjoy baking yummy treats to share with your family, friends, neighbors and all! Let your littles bake for any get together's you may be having/going too- what a proud moment for them to genuinely contribute!

  • History: Read Chapter 17 in The Story of the World, there is an episode with Daniel/Nebuchadnezzar in The Bible series (on Netflix) and you can watch THIS too!

  • Science: Try some fun Christmas themed science experiments- make sure to talk through what your kids think will happen vs/ what actually happens. Let curiosity run free!

  • Crafting: Get another plain table runner to make your Christmas themed family heirloom! How about a nativity style using the family's hand/foot prints?

  • P.E.: Continue doing Goodnight Yoga before bed. You could do it every night, or just use it for one special day (like Friday to unwind from a full week). Parents- you might really enjoy incorporating this! :)

NO SCHOOL | Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours! We are so very thankful for each and every family we get to enjoy this project with. Praying for peace and blessings to you and your family! ♥

  • Enjoy your week off- hopefully you can show off some of your recent recipes and bake something special for your loved ones. This season can try to turn our attention towards what we want, let's try to remember to follow in Jesus' footsteps and think of what we can GIVE instead.

  • Some Christmas themed movies :

January 2018



  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day starting in Acts 26. Be sure to journal about what they've learned. Little kids can draw a picture about the story they've heard, the bigger kids can draw a picture, write about what they learned or questions they may have.

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : Acts 26, p.326; Acts 27, p. 327-328 & 329; Acts 28, p. 329

- Ten Minute Bible Hour is an AMAZING resource for the whole family (My husband and I LOVE it!) but he does a wonderful breakdown of Acts we highly recommend! 

  • Reading: We're going to read Stuart Little next! Read one chapter per day. 

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Continue through The Good & The Beautiful lessons! If you need to take some extra time-- don't worry! Hopefully your family is seeing the difference this program is making through it's teaching method. If you need to make tweaks and adjustments to suit your kid(s) need(s)- feel free! Every one is different!

  • Math: Practice on Khan Academy. One of the best ways to learn beginning math concepts is through day to day life -- going into the holiday season can be a big help! Organizing giving and donations to those in need, budgeting for family treats or trips, lots of baking and cooking, etc...


  • Baking: I love baking when it's cold out! Especially if it's full of chocolate! ;) Try THIS

  • History: Read Chapter 18 in The Story of the World and watch THIS.

  • Science: Pick a science game to play!

  • Crafting: Most of us have a bit of cold weather right now-- here's some fun things to try when the weather is super chilly!

  • P.E.: Start adding this relaxing yoga routine in before bed. You could do it every night, or just use it for one special day (like Friday to unwind from a full week). Parents- you might really enjoy incorporating this! :)


  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day starting in Romans this week! Remember to take some time after each day's reading (just a chapter per day) to add a page in their journal. ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : Romans p. 331-333​

  • Reading: Continue Stuart Little - we should be on chapters 6-10 this week! Read one chapter per day.

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Continue in The Good & The Beautiful, make sure to incorporate the spelling words that have already been done and mastered to keep them fresh in your Big Kid(s) minds! Maybe there's even a poem they've been practicing that they can recite for family & friends!

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy practice. When that's done, how about playing Zilch? Put math skills to work with a fun family game! Let your Big Kid be the score keeper.


  • Baking: I love a good thumbprint cookie- and they're SO easy! Here's one to try.

  • History: Read Chapter 19 in The Story of the World, and then watch THIS.

  • Science: Most of us have a bit of cold weather right now-- here's some fun things to try when the weather is super chilly!

  • Crafting: I kind of like that all the leaves are off the trees now and we can really see the birds! This site has a few fun ideas for easy, DIY bird feeders. Pick one (or two) to try!

  • P.E.: Continue doing Goodnight Yoga before bed. You could do it every night, or just use it for one special day (like Friday to unwind from a full week). Parents- you might really enjoy incorporating this! :)


  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day continuing with Romans 6 this week! Remember to take some time after each day's reading (just a chapter per day) to add a page in their journal. ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : Romans p. 331-333

  • Reading: Let's finish reading Stuart Little. Read one chapter per day. (You should be on chapter 11 but catch up if needed.) After you finish, watch the movie! What was the same, different? What version did you like best and why?

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Finish up this week of The Good & The Beautiful and any additional poetry memorization practice if they're going to recite it for family & friends! :)

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy practice.


  • Baking: Cold winter days + homemade bread = the best thing ever! These types of breads are super easy and practically fail proof for kiddos- give it a try!

  • History: Read Chapter 20 in The Story of the World, then watch THIS! If you browse through The Ten Minute Bible Hour, he covers various ancient, Biblical cities on there too! 

  • Science: Did you make a bird feeder last week? What birds have you seen? Bird watching can be such a fun thing to do- we have a really cool crane in our creek that we can see from time to time. Spend some time looking for birds and then see if you can identify what kind they are. You can even draw pictures of them and look them up online to see what they sound like and more!

  • Crafting: Here's some more bird themed crafts to try out!

  • P.E.: Continue doing Goodnight Yoga before bed. You could do it every night, or just use it for one special day (like Friday to unwind from a full week). Parents- you might really enjoy incorporating this! :)


  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day continuing with Romans 11 this week! Remember to take some time after each day's reading (just a chapter per day) to add a page in their journal. ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : Romans p. 331-333

  • Reading: - Let's start Dr. Doolittle! Read just 1 chapter per day, feel free to let an older sibling read too if they'd like!

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Finish up this week of The Good & The Beautiful and any additional poetry memorization and spelling word practice.

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy practice.


  • Baking: It's the coziest season of all, enjoy baking yummy treats to share with your family, friends, neighbors and all! Let your kiddo(s) bake for any get together's you may be having/going too- what a proud moment for them to genuinely contribute!

  • History: Read Chapter 21 of The Story of the World.

  • Science: Science is the most fun when it's a topic your kiddo(s) is/are interested in. After all, kids are natural scientists! Here's a collection of videos on YouTube aimed for kiddos to learn various topics. Let you kiddo(s) browse through here!

  • Crafting: Especially with it being cold & the kids being indoors more, my littles LOVE having a project to work on! PBS shares a bunch of fun ideas- pick one or two to keep busy hands occupied and imaginations can run wild! 

  • P.E.: Continue doing Goodnight Yoga before bed. You could do it every night, or just use it for one special day (like Friday to unwind from a full week). Parents- you might really enjoy incorporating this! :)


  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day finishing Romans 16 and then starting 1 Corinthians 1-4 this week! Remember to take some time after each day's reading (just a chapter per day) to add a page in their journal. ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : Romans p. 331-333 & 1 Corinthians p. 334-335

  • Reading: We're on chapters 6 through 10 in Dr. Doolittle this week. Aim to read just 1 chapter per day.

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Finish up this week of The Good & The Beautiful and any additional poetry memorization and spelling word practice.

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy practice.


  • Baking: Technically they're 'no bake' ideas, but here's some yummy snack recipes!

  • History: We're in Chapter 22 in The Story of the World- Sparta & Athens! Watch THIS for a quick video breakdown.

  • Science: Let the kids all pick a fun game to play!

  • Crafting: I love eating by candlelight in the evenings, how beautiful (and easy) are these candles to make! Dollar Tree has some cheap candlestick holders too if you need them. 

  • P.E.: Continue doing Goodnight Yoga before bed. You could do it every night, or just use it for one special day (like Friday to unwind from a full week). Parents- you might really enjoy incorporating this! :)

February 2018



  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day starting in 1 Corinthians 5. Be sure to journal about what they've learned. Little kids can draw a picture about the story they've heard, the bigger kids can draw a picture, write about what they learned or questions they may have. ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

  • - Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : p. 334-335

  • Reading: We're on chapters 11 through 15 in Dr. Doolittle this week. Aim to read just 1 chapter per day.

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Continue through The Good & The Beautiful lessons! If you need to take some extra time-- don't worry! Hopefully your family is seeing the difference this program is making through it's teaching method. If you need to make tweaks and adjustments to suit your kid(s) need(s)- feel free! Every one is different!

  • Math: Practice on Khan Academy. One of the best ways to learn beginning math concepts is through day to day life -- going into the holiday season can be a big help! Organizing giving and donations to those in need, budgeting for family treats or trips, lots of baking and cooking, etc...


  • Baking: Baking: What would be better than teaching your kiddo(s) how to bake DONUTS!!! Here's a great kid-friendly recipe!

  • History: Read Chapters 23 & 24 in The Story of the World. How do we still see traces of the Greek gods in our culture today? Interesting, if you go back and read in Enoch and about the fallen angels, you’ll see a lot of connections between them, their individual powers and these ‘gods’.

  • Science: Pick a science game to play!

  • Crafting: Let's make these super fun (and easy) pinch pots! Great to use around the house-- or gift out! Click HERE!

  • P.E.: We know that exercise is important to a healthy life, and I love when  it's something we can do together. Put THIS video on for your kid(s) to do-- feel free to join in too! :)


  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day starting in 1 Corinthians 10-14. Be sure to journal about what they've learned. Little kids can draw a picture about the story they've heard, the bigger kids can draw a picture, write about what they learned or questions they may have. ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : p. 334-335

  • Reading: We're on chapters 16 through 19 in Dr. Doolittle this week. Aim to read just 1 chapter per day. Once you finish the book, watch the movie(s)! Compare and contrast- what was the same/different? The 1998 movie HERE, the 1967 movie HERE.

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Continue in The Good & The Beautiful, make sure to incorporate the spelling words that have already been done and mastered to keep them fresh in your Big Kid(s) minds! Maybe there's even a poem they've been practicing that they can recite for family & friends!

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy practice. When that's done, how about playing Zilch? Put math skills to work with a fun family game! Let your Big Kid be the score keeper.


  • Baking: If it has bananas it MUST be healthy... and acceptable for breakfast! ;) Here's a delish recipe to try!

  • History: Read Chapter 25 in The Story of the World.

  • Science: Explore some fun science topics on Discovery Kids!

  • Crafting: Let's make some fun Ribbon Bookmarks! Perfect for our Bible, school books, and gifts!

  • P.E.: We know that exercise is important to a healthy life, and I love when  it's something we can do together. Put THIS video on for your kid(s) to do-- feel free to join in too! :)


  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day finishing 1 Corinthians 15 - 16 and starting 2 Corinthians 1 - 3. Remember to take some time after each day's reading (just a chapter per day) to add a page in their journal. ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : 1 Corinthians p. 334-335, 2 Corinthians p.336-339

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Finish up this week of The Good & The Beautiful and any additional poetry memorization practice.

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy practice.


  • Baking: Our kids rarely get store bought candy, but this is a fun little treat with Sour Patch Kids added in!

  • History: Read Chapter 26 of The Story of the World.

  • Science: Pick another topic from Discovery Kids to explore!

  • Crafting: I am SO excited to make these- what a great and stylish craft! HERE'S the image, there isn't a full breakdown of steps but it looks pretty straightforward.

  • P.E.: Continue doing the exercise videos (as a family is perfect!) Video 1 or Video 2.


  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day continuing with 2 Corinthians 4 - 8 this week! Remember to take some time after each day's reading (just a chapter per day) to add a page in their journal. ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : p. 336-339

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Finish up this week of The Good & The Beautiful and any additional poetry memorization and spelling word practice.

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy practice.


  • Baking: Our weekly baking doesn't have to be just desserts-- we can teach them to make meals too! Here's a great (and easy) recipe for dinner!

  • History: We're in Chapter 27 in The Story of the World.

  • Science: Science is the most fun when it's a topic your kiddo(s) is/are interested in. After all, kids are natural scientists! Here's a collection of videos on YouTube aimed for kiddos to learn various topics. Let you kiddo(s) browse through here!

  • Crafting: I LOVED making these when I was a kid-- and my kids love learning about stuff their parents did when they were young. Have fun making pony bead animals this week! (You can pick up the beads for super cheap in any local Big Box stores.)

  • P.E.: Continue doing the exercise videos (as a family is perfect!) Video 1 or Video 2.

March 2018



  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day starting in 2 Corinthians 9. Be sure to journal about what they've learned. Little kids can draw a picture about the story they've heard, the bigger kids can draw a picture, write about what they learned or questions they may have. ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : p. 336-339

  • Reading: We're on chapters 11 through 13 in The Mouse and the Motorcycle this week. Aim to read just 1 chapter per day. HERE'S a link to watch the movie - what was the same? Different?

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Continue through The Good & The Beautiful lessons! If you need to take some extra time-- don't worry! Hopefully your family is seeing the difference this program is making through it's teaching method. If you need to make tweaks and adjustments to suit your kid(s) need(s)- feel free! Every one is different!

  • Math: Practice on Khan Academy or try out the math on CK12


  • Baking: Passover begins at the end of the month (more about it at the end of the March lessons) so let's learn to bake/cook some Passover goodies this month to try out and share with friends and family. Starting with THESE flourless cupcakes!  

  • History: Read Chapter 28 in The Story of the World. How do we still see traces of the Roman Empire in our culture today? 

  • Science: Pick a level of science on CK12 and read through, exploring the different topics. (You can look at their suggested grade level, or just browse through to find one of interest.)

  • Crafting: How neat would it be to work on something like THIS as a family project to display in the house during the season of Easter/Passover.

  • P.E.: We know that exercise is important to a healthy life, and I love when  it's something we can do together. Put THIS video on for your kid(s) to do-- feel free to join in too! :)


  • Bible: We're reading Galatians this week, aim to read 1 chapter per day, but squeeze in that sixth chapter one day too. Be sure to journal about what they've learned. Little kids can draw a picture about the story they've heard, the bigger kids can draw a picture, write about what they learned or questions they may have.  ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : p. 340-341

  • Reading: We're starting Fantastic Mr. Fox this week! (Get it FREE​) Read chapters 1 through 5 - Aim to read just 1 chapter per day.

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Continue in The Good & The Beautiful, make sure to incorporate the spelling words that have already been done and mastered to keep them fresh in your Big Kid(s) minds! Maybe there's even a poem they've been practicing that they can recite for family & friends!

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy or CK12 practice. When that's done, how about playing Zilch? Put math skills to work with a fun family game! Let your Big Kid be the score keeper.


  • Baking: The kids and I LOVE making unleavened bread during the week of Passover. Here's our recipe for you to try! We have had had it fresh with breakfast, with some lunch meant, cheese and veggies at lunch, with dinner, topped with sauce/cheese/pizza toppings like a bagel bite... you name it!  

  • History: Read Chapters 29 - 30 in The Story of the World.

  • Science: Continue on the level of science on CK12 . (You can look at their suggested grade level, or just browse through to find one of interest.)

  • Crafting: Let's go through the week leading up to Jesus' death/resurrection with something like THIS. God planned each of his 7 feasts to all be fulfilled by Jesus, how were the spring feasts fulfilled?

  • P.E.: We know that exercise is important to a healthy life, and I love when  it's something we can do together. Put THIS video on for your kid(s) to do-- feel free to join in too! :)


  • Bible: We're reading Ephesians this week, aim to read 1 chapter per day, but squeeze in that sixth chapter one day too. Remember to take some time after each day's reading (just a chapter per day) to add a page in their journal. ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : p.344-345

  • Reading: We're reading Fantastic Mr. Fox chapters 6 through 10 this week. (Get it FREE​) Aim to read just 1 chapter per day.

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Finish up this week of The Good & The Beautiful and any additional poetry memorization practice.

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy or CK12 practice.


  • Baking: These Resurrection Rolls are a favorite treat to make every Easter morning after we watch the sunrise. You can try them out this week if you'd like!

  • History: Read Chapter 31 of The Story of the World.

  • Science: Continue with the level of science on CK12 you chose last week.

  • Crafting: Let's make some beautiful stained glass scenes to decorate our homes for the Passover/Easter season -- or what great gifts these could be too!

  • P.E.: Continue doing the exercise videos (as a family is perfect!) Video 1 or Video 2.


  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day in Philippians this week! There's only 4 chapters, so you'll end up with one day off to pick your own area to read in. Remember to take some time after each day's reading (just a chapter per day) to add a page in their journal. ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : p. 346-347

  • Reading: Continue on reading Fantastic Mr. Fox this week! (Get it FREE​) Aim to read 1 chapter per day, you should be in chapters 11-15.

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Finish up this week of The Good & The Beautiful and any additional poetry memorization and spelling word practice.

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy or CK12 practice.


  • Baking: Let's try out some matzah recipes - click HERE! Passover begins at sundown on Friday- then you can use some of the recipes we've learned this month next week! :)

  • History: We're in Chapter 32 in The Story of the World.

  • Science: Science is the most fun when it's a topic your kiddo(s) is/are interested in. After all, kids are natural scientists! Here's a collection of videos on YouTube aimed for kiddos to learn various topics. Let you kiddo(s) browse through here! Or continue on with your CK12 lessons.

  • Crafting: Jesus is alive indeed- let's make this beautiful project!

  • P.E.: Let's get outside and move! Click HERE!

Starting Friday March 30th at sundown is the beginning of the Passover celebration! 

Do you celebrate Passover? It's one of the seven appointed feasts God gave to his people in the Old Testament. You can learn more about it at the following links - our family takes this week (from this Friday through April 7th) off as our "Spring Break" to celebrate Easter and Passover.  What an amazing time it is to celebrate as a family the wonders of our Lord!

The story of Passover,

Christ in Passover,

Jesus and the Passover,

HERE'S a fun mix of Passover activities and ideas too.

April 2018



  • Bible: Read 1 chapter per day in the book of Colossians this week! Be sure to journal about what they've learned. Little kids can draw a picture about the story they've heard, the bigger kids can draw a picture, write about what they learned or questions they may have. ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : p. 348-349

  • Reading: We're finishing The Fantastic Mr. Fox this week. Aim to read just 1 chapter per day. HERE'S a link to watch the movie - what was the same? Different?

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Continue through The Good & The Beautiful lessons! If you need to take some extra time-- don't worry! Hopefully your family is seeing the difference this program is making through it's teaching method. If you need to make tweaks and adjustments to suit your kid(s) need(s)- feel free! Every one is different!

  • Math: Practice on Khan Academy or try out the math on CK12


  • Baking: This lemon pie looks so delicious! Let's try it this week! Have you eaten a lemon before? Do you think this will be sweet or sour? Why? 

  • History: Read Chapters 33 & 34 in The Story of the World

  • Science: Pick a level of science on CK12 and read through, exploring the different topics. (You can look at their suggested grade level, or just browse through to find one of interest.)

  • Crafting: I love when Spring arrives and we start to see more creatures out and about. How about making a bird house

  • P.E.: We know that exercise is important to a healthy life, and I love when it's something we can do together. Put THIS video on for your kid(s) to do-- feel free to join in too! :)


  • Bible: We're reading 1 Thessalonians this week, aim to read 1 chapter per day, but squeeze in that sixth chapter one day too. Be sure to journal about what they've learned. Little kids can draw a picture about the story they've heard, the bigger kids can draw a picture, write about what they learned or questions they may have.  ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : p. 350

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Continue in The Good & The Beautiful, make sure to incorporate the spelling words that have already been done and mastered to keep them fresh in your Big Kid(s) minds! Maybe there's even a poem they've been practicing that they can recite for family & friends!

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy or CK12 practice. When that's done, how about playing Zilch? Put math skills to work with a fun family game! Let your Big Kid be the score keeper.


  • Baking: How about making a yummy afternoon treat! Let's try THIS soft pretzel recipe!

  • History: Read Chapter 35 in The Story of the World.

  • Science: Continue on the level of science on CK12 . (You can look at their suggested grade level, or just browse through to find one of interest.)

  • Crafting: Pencils are constantly getting lost in our house-- so THIS pencil case to be kept with our school books is our project this week.

  • P.E.: We know that exercise is important to a healthy life, and I love when  it's something we can do together. Put THIS video on for your kid(s) to do-- feel free to join in too! :)


  • Bible: We're reading 2 Thessalonians and starting 1 Timothy 1-4 (do 2 chapters of Timothy per day on Thursday + Friday) this week, aim to read 1 chapter per day, but squeeze in those extras in 1 Timothy. Remember to take some time after each day's reading (just a chapter per day) to add a page in their journal. ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : p.351 - 352

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Finish up this week of The Good & The Beautiful and any additional poetry memorization practice or spelling word practice.

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy or CK12 practice.


  • Baking: Everyone needs to have a good, go-to brownie recipe! Let's try THIS one out this week, do you think it makes the cut as family fave?

  • History: Read Chapter 36 of The Story of the World. From our time reading in the Gospels earlier this year, this history should really be ringing some memory bells!!! :) 

  • Science: Continue with the level of science on CK12 you chose last week. We've recently found the app called iNaturalist-- if you'd prefer to check out some of the wildlife growing and living around I would HIGHLY suggest this!!! Share it with us on Instagram and Facebook to show us what you find! 

  • Crafting: Let's get outside and collect some elements from nature to use in this week's activity HERE

  • P.E.: Continue doing some exercise videos (as a family is perfect!) HERE.


  • Bible: Finish 1 Timothy this week, and then read all of 2 Timothy. (You'll end up with a little extra- either squeeze it in on one day or have a special reading time on Saturday too!). Remember to take some time after each day's reading (just a chapter per day) to add a page in their journal. ALSO- make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel where we'll be posting our family reading/discussion chapter by chapter!

- Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids : p. 352 - 353

- Have your Big Kid read in The Good & The Beautiful Reader too! You can get most of it on the free sample PDF, purchase a hard copy or download the full PDF. Whatever works best! 20 minutes of independent reading time per day is suggested.

  • Language Arts: Finish up this week of The Good & The Beautiful and any additional poetry memorization and spelling word practice.

  • Math: Continue on with Khan Academy or CK12 practice.


  • Baking: THESE are like the easiest things in the world to make- and ALWAYS a hit! If you need something to take somewhere for someone... this are a hit! We took them to all the nurses at the hospital & doctor's after baby #4 was born this year and they all went nuts! :) Enjoy making some for yourselves... and to share! ;) 

  • History: We're in Chapter 37 in The Story of the World. My favorite topic-- JESUS! ✝️

  • Science: Science is the most fun when it's a topic your kiddo(s) is/are interested in. After all, kids are natural scientists! Here's a collection of videos on YouTube aimed for kiddos to learn various topics. Let you kiddo(s) browse through here! Or continue on with your CK12 lessons.

  • Crafting: I LOVE plants (I think it's genetic... my mom AND dad are both plant people) and I've always bought my macrame plant holders -- let's try making one of our own this week! Be sure to share on Instagram and tag @MinimalistHomeschool in it! 

  • P.E.: Let's get outside and move! Click HERE!

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Biblically Based, Minimalist Minded.

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