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TERM 1  |  YEAR 2

Access our School Supply List HERE  |  Memory Verse PDF HERE  |  Minimalist Home eBook HERE!


If ever you come across an activity that you, or your kiddo(s) just aren't excited about- be sure to go view our additional resources page. (COMING SOON!) We have different suggestions there on a variety of topics that might appeal to you more!



BIBLE: We start off each and every day together as a family in prayer and scripture! Proverbs 22:6, “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they grow up, they will not leave it.” Every day read one chapter (unless noted), stop and discuss, and check out any additional resources listed here.

After we read- spend some time journaling about what was read in their Bible Journal. You can do this with either a plain notebook to write/draw in each day, or get a watercolor notebook and spend a little time after each day's reading to paint something. Even if it's just painting a picture/background and then writing a verse that stood out to you on the painting once it dries.


Refer to the School Supplies PDF for a full breakdown of everything we use on this.


This week we are reading James, chapters 1-5. Before reading, review The Bible Made Easy for Kids pages 358-359.


Along with your daily readings and journaling- let's read one topic per day out of Randy Alcorn's, Heaven for Kids. There is a full edition (titled Heaven) that you're very much encouraged to read- but we'll focus on this copy to cover the information in a family focused format. Read the first 5 points this week (pages 1-6).


We will also share a weekly Bible Verse- read this together, out loud, every single day before each meal. (Or more even!) You should all have it memorized by the end of the week! Be sure to print out this document so that you can hang up the verse each week, let the Littles trace the words, Big Kids can copy write this in their Bible Journal, and Teens can not only copy this down- but expand more on the verse and how they can apply it to their life, what it really means to us, etc...


​Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. - Joshua 1:8


READING: Every day we will read one chapter (unless noted) in a book, together as a family. If you have multiple kids- be sure to let the older kids read to their younger siblings, take turns, but above all- have fun! Read, discuss, and at the end we'll watch the movie and compare/contrast the differences!

We're starting this year with The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. (Audiobook HERE & Free PDF HERE) Read chapters 1 through 5 this week. Randy Alcorn references this story many times throughout his book on Heaven- discuss the similarities you find.


Littles: We'll be using Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. If your little one isn't interested in learning to read-- that is just fine! Leave it alone, try again in a week, a month or a year. They'll learn when they're ready! If you spend time each day reading to them- that's wonderful! If your Little is already reading- that's fine too! Review anything they may need to strengthen, and then be sure to keep plenty of books around so they can read on their own as they feel inclined to do so.


Big Kids: The Big Kids need to spend 10-20 minutes each day doing independent reading. I highly recommend the readers that correlate with each level of The Good and The Beautiful language arts program that we're using. But, if they prefer a different book- that's ok too!


Teens: Our Teens need to have a minimum of 20 minutes doing independent reading as well. There are books that are used through our recommended Language Arts program (The Good & The Beautiful), or they can select an additional book to read here too.



LANGUAGE ARTS: We recommend using The Good & The Beautiful by Jenny Phillips. Our family has tried a billion options- and all of our kids pick this as their favorite hands down-- see HERE! The other cool part- most of the levels can be downloaded for FREE, or you can purchase the physical copies as well. See me discuss the options on that HERE. More about this is broken down in the School Supplies PDF.


Every day, all levels, will do 1 lesson. This includes the daily lesson, spelling practice, phonics/sight words, etc… as listed on your G&B instructions. If you don't do all of it, that's just fine too. You can do as your child needs.


We will also have linked activities to supplement, or do in place of TGATB if you prefer. :)


*If you have a Little kiddo and they're not interested-- don't push it! It can be offered, but not mandatory. If they would prefer to just have some cheap work books available to do as wanted, that's ok too! The workbook portion of this is not required at this age, refer to Better Late Than Early by Dr. Raymond and Dorothy Moore.



MATH: Set up an account with CK12, Khan Academy, and/or Xtra Math (Highly recommended for drilling in the core math facts) each day let your kiddo(s) spend some time there strengthening their foundation skills and moving up as they feel comfortable in doing so. The best way to learn is to apply the methods- include your kids in helping you with real life situations and let them work out the math to come up with the answers.


You can also sign up for Prodigy! My kids were not very happy about the fact that it's a magical/wizard like theme, but they love the fun of playing and the ability to play with one another that they decided they could ignore the magical elements as it is just a game. (Just so you know, in case that comes up with your family.) I love that they are eager to get the math problems correct on their own so they can advance the game. We play 15-30 minutes of this after our daily items are all done- and I'm usually pulling them off of the computers even them as they scream “More math! More math!” … I'm really not kidding!





BAKING: Every week we'll have an item to bake & try out! Let your kid(s) do as much as possible, even if it gets a little messy! These recipes are awesome for them to learn and create for friends and family too. This week we'll be making Back to School Brownies- click HERE for the recipe!



CRAFTING: I prefer to keep our electives of crafting somewhere more along the lines of handicrafts- items our children can learn to craft into useable items, vs more paintings and colorings that don't quite serve a real purpose. Don't get me wrong- I love the artwork my kiddos produce-- I just don't need to add to it every single week. There are some great suggestions HERE, we'll work through a variety of these suggestions. If your kid(s) find something they are really interested in-- let them go for it! If the weekly suggestions isn't something anyone likes- feel free to try something else!

Let's make these gorgeous macrame planters this week!



HISTORY: We'll be reading in The Story of the World, Volume 2 each week this year. We'll also have a chapter of What Really Happened During the Middle Ages from time to time as we read through. This week read Chapter One of The Story of the World, then check out the videos HERE.



SCIENCE: Go back to CK12 and select one of the science topics to explore. You can do this as a family, or individually depending on your kid(s) and their interests.



P.E.: Physical education revolves a lot around what we're putting into our bodies and what energy we're getting out of our bodies. We'll focus on family wide education of nutrition as well as fun activities we can do as a family to get up and get moving!

This week let's start out with THIS 15 minute workout.




BIBLE: Read 1 Peter, one chapter per day, then journal each day about what you read. Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids, page 360.


Read one topic in Heaven for Kids each day, pages 9-18.


Read the week's Bible verse as a family before every meal (or more). By the end of the week you should all have it memorized! Print out the PDF of all the year's memory verses to hang up in your school space, let little kids trace the words, and the older kiddos can write it down in their Bible Journal.


Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions. Our actions will show that we belong to the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before God. - 1 John 3:18-19



READING: Read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe chapters 6-10. (Audiobook HERE & Free PDF HERE)


Littles: Do one lesson per day in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. (Lessons 6-10) If they're not interested, that's ok! Try again in a bit- just be sure to read together every day as much as they want!


Big Kids: 10-20 minutes of independent reading in their G&B Reader, or other chosen book.


Teens: 20+ minutes of independent reading in their G&B book, or other chosen book.



LANGUAGE ARTS: Do one lesson per day in their G&B workbooks. Practice spelling and any poetry/phonics/sight words/etc… as noted.


​Littles: Does your Little know the alphabet song? Sing the ABC Song together!

Monday: Practice printing the letter 'T', Tt, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter T.

BONUS : Learn more about T!

Tuesday: Practice printing the letter 'M', Mm, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter M.

BONUS : Learn more about M!

Wednesday: Practice printing the letter 'C', Cc, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter C.

BONUS : Learn more about C!

Thursday: Practice printing the letter 'A', Aa, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter A.

BONUS : Learn more about A!


Big Kids: Spend time doing some Spelling Practice - do a placement quiz (or two or three) if you'd like, then select the grade level. Each day you'll select the grade your kiddo is working on - then the week we're on - then they can complete the tasks for that day.


Each day complete one lesson with Daily Grammar, and Quiz at the end of the week. 


Get your first article published - play HERE! Read a news article, or two, and then try to write one in your journal about something that's either happened to you, that you've seen in a movie or make one up! 


Teens: Spend time doing some Spelling Practice - do a placement quiz (or two or three) if you'd like, then select the grade level. Each day you'll select the grade your kiddo is working on - then the week we're on - then they can complete the tasks for that day.


Set up an account at Quill. You can do a placement quiz, and then register an account as an educator. From there you can add a student and assign topics for them to work on. There are dozens of options- have fun with it!


MATH: Continue on with a lesson each day on CK12 / Khan Academy / Xtra Math Drills or try out Ray's Arithmetic if you prefer an old fashioned lesson (I actually really enjoy using this curriculum!). Then play Prodigy, Sum Dog, or pick a game HERE.





BAKING: Let's try out THESE granola bars!



CRAFTING: Let's learn to knit this week! A basic understanding of knitting or crocheting can lead to endless options- for the girls and boys! Look HERE, or HERE, also- YouTube is a treasure trove of options.



HISTORY: Read Chapter 2 of The Story of the World, Volume 2. Also read Chapter 2 of What Really Happened During the Middle Ages. Watch the videos HERE.



SCIENCE: Go back to CK12 and select one of the science topics to explore. You can do this as a family, or individually depending on your kid(s) and their interests.


Prefer a nature study? THIS site has a great breakdown of weekly studies by topic. Follow through the links on the site, go outside and observe what is around you, you can also look up the week's topic on YouTube to observe even more.



P.E.: Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food is a great overview on nutrition. You may have it already on one of your subscriber networks- or you can rent it on Amazon for a few bucks. Watch as a family, discuss, what changes can you make in your home to fuel your bodies in a healthy way?




BIBLE: Read 2 Peter and 1 John chapters 1-2, one chapter per day, then journal each day about what you read. Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids, pages 361-362.


Phil Vischer goes through 1 John in an INCREDIBLE series called FaithBlox- we were lucky enough to be one of the tester families for it and HIGHLY recommend it! Check it out HERE!



Read one topic in Heaven for Kids each day, pages 22-36.


Read the week's Bible verse as a family before every meal (or more). By the end of the week you should all have it memorized! Print out the PDF of all the year's memory verses to hang up in your school space, let little kids trace the words, and the older kiddos can write it down in their Bible Journal.


​Give to those who ask, and don’t turn away from those who want to borrow. - Matthew 5:42


READING: Read The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe chapters 11-15. (Audiobook HERE & Free PDF HERE)


Littles: Do one lesson per day in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. (Lessons 16-20) If they're not interested, that's ok! Try again in a bit- just be sure to read together every day as much as they want!


Big Kids: 10-20 minutes of independent reading in their G&B Reader, or other chosen book.


Teens: 20+ minutes of independent reading in their G&B book, or other chosen book.



LANGUAGE ARTS: Do one lesson per day in their G&B workbooks. Practice spelling and any poetry/phonics/sight words/etc… as noted.


​Littles: Practice the ABC Song together!

Monday: Practice printing the letter 'S', Ss, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter S.

BONUS : Learn more about S!

Tuesday: Practice printing the letter 'R', Rr, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter R.

BONUS : Learn more about R!

Wednesday: Practice printing the letter 'I', Ii, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter I.

BONUS : Learn more about I!

Thursday: Practice printing the letter 'P', Pp, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter P.

BONUS : Learn more about P!


Big Kids: Do your daily activities on Spelling Practice - LEVEL THREE | LEVEL FOUR | LEVEL FIVE | LEVEL SIX


Each day complete one lesson with Daily Grammar, and Quiz at the end of the week. 


Have fun playing with different types of poetry! Try writing your own poem if you want too!


Teens: Complete each day's lesson on the spelling words. Level 7 | Level 8


Log in at Quill. Play around with various assignments. If your Teen is a strong writer, or just uninterested in doing these exercises- feel free to do something different! Let them write letters to friends and family, journal, blog about a topic they're passionate about, etc...


MATHCK12 / Khan Academy / Xtra Math Drills or Ray's Arithmetic. Then play Prodigy, Sum Dog, or pick a game HERE.




BAKING: If it has oatmeal in it, then it's bound to be a healthy snack… right? Enjoy making THESE cookies this week! (We just leave out the nuts for allergy reasons.)



CRAFTING: Let's learn to crochet this week! HERE'S a great breakdown- or search YouTube for how-to videos!



HISTORY: Read Chapter 3 of The Story of the World, Volume 2.



SCIENCE: Watch an episode of Kid Science, Littles- play a game HERE, Big Kids & Teens- have you seen Myth Busters before?


Prefer a nature study? THIS site has a great breakdown of weekly studies by topic. Follow through the links on the site, go outside and observe what is around you, you can also look up the week's topic on YouTube to observe even more.



P.E.: Let's try THIS home workout this week- remember to drink plenty of water each day and pay attention to what you're eating. Less processed foods and more God-created foods!




BIBLE: Read 1 John chapters 3-5, 2 John and 3 John. one chapter per day, then journal each day about what you read. Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids, pages 362-364.


Phil Vischer goes through 1 John in an INCREDIBLE series called FaithBlox- we were lucky enough to be one of the tester families for it and HIGHLY recommend it! Check it out HERE!


Read one topic in Heaven for Kids each day, pages 38-44.


Read the week's Bible verse as a family before every meal (or more). By the end of the week you should all have it memorized! Print out the PDF of all the year's memory verses to hang up in your school space, let little kids trace the words, and the older kiddos can write it down in their Bible Journal.


​The Lord replies, “I have seen violence done to the helpless, and I have heard the groans of the poor. Now I will rise up to rescue them, as they have longed for me to do.” - Psalms 12:5


READING: Finish reading The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (chapters 16-17). (Audiobook HERE & Free PDF HERE) Once you're done- let's watch the movie! What was the same? Different? Can you see God's story of redemption played out? One day we will stand before Jesus and be crowned, just like the kids in the story are. This reminds us of how truly important it is to humble ourselves here, now. To remember that we are living for a life to come, not just for this one here. The first will be last, and the last will become first- we must remember always to remain humble, unworthy servants.


Littles: Do one lesson per day in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. (Lessons 21-25) If they're not interested, that's ok! Try again in a bit- just be sure to read together every day as much as they want!


Big Kids: 10-20 minutes of independent reading in their G&B Reader, or other chosen book.


Teens: 20+ minutes of independent reading in their G&B book, or other chosen book.



LANGUAGE ARTS: Do one lesson per day in their G&B workbooks. Practice spelling and any poetry/phonics/sight words/etc… as noted.


​Littles: Practice the ABC Song together!

Monday: Practice printing the letter 'B', Bb, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter B.

BONUS : Learn more about B!

Tuesday: Practice printing the letter 'F', Ff, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter F.

BONUS : Learn more about F!

Wednesday: Practice printing the letter 'O', Oo, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter O.

BONUS : Learn more about O!

Thursday: Practice printing the letter 'G', Gg, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter G.

BONUS : Learn more about G!


Big Kids: Do your daily activities on Spelling Practice - LEVEL THREE | LEVEL FOUR | LEVEL FIVE | LEVEL SIX


Each day complete one lesson with Daily Grammar, and Quiz at the end of the week. 


Practice writing a letter! Getting handwritten letters in the mail is so nice, who can you write a letter to this week?


Teens: Complete each day's lesson on the spelling words. Level 7 | Level 8


Log in at Quill. Play around with various assignments. If your Teen is a strong writer, or just uninterested in doing these exercises- feel free to do something different! Let them write letters to friends and family, journal, blog about a topic they're passionate about, etc...


MATHCK12 / Khan Academy / Xtra Math Drills or Ray's Arithmetic. Then play Prodigy, Sum Dog, or pick a game HERE.



BAKING: An apple a day keeps the doctor away- so let's try these Apple Bars!



CRAFTING: I loved making these as a kid- let's try rug hooking this week! You can get a kit on Amazon, or pick one up from a local store. If you have any knitting/crocheting projects left- you can work on those too!



HISTORY: Read Chapter 4 of The Story of the World, Volume 2, and also Chapter 3 of What Really Happened During the Middle Ages.



SCIENCE: Go back to CK12 and select one of the science topics to explore. You can do this as a family, or individually depending on your kid(s) and their interests.


Prefer a nature study? THIS site has a great breakdown of weekly studies by topic. Follow through the links on the site, go outside and observe what is around you, you can also look up the week's topic on YouTube to observe even more.



P.E.: Let's do another home workout together- just 10 minutes that we can try to do even daily. Remember to just do as close as you can to these moves- it's ok if we can't do them all just like the instructor. (Picture me on the floor trying to burpee while 3 kids are jumping all around and a baby is screaming in her bouncer… because that's how this works for us… we're all together in this! ;)




BIBLE: Read Jude and Revelation chapters 1-4, one chapter per day, then journal each day about what you read. Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids, pages 365-369.


Before you start reading Revelation, I cannot suggest enough that you watch the Revelation series of studies by Andy Woods. Even your older kids could learn a lot from it! For the younger kiddos, What's in the Bible is a WONDERFUL resource! (Even us adults love it!) Sneak peek HERE, get the full episode HERE.


Read one topic in Heaven for Kids each day, pages 46-56.


Read the week's Bible verse as a family before every meal (or more). By the end of the week you should all have it memorized! Print out the PDF of all the year's memory verses to hang up in your school space, let little kids trace the words, and the older kiddos can write it down in their Bible Journal.


​For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the believers who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever. So encourage each other with these words. - 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18


READING: We're going to start reading Wonder this week! (Audiobook HERE) This book is broken up into 7 parts, with little chapters in each. Each day we'll read 3 of those little chapters.


Littles: Do one lesson per day in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. (Lessons 31-35) If they're not interested, that's ok! Try again in a bit- just be sure to read together every day as much as they want!


Big Kids: 10-20 minutes of independent reading in their G&B Reader, or other chosen book.


Teens: 20+ minutes of independent reading in their G&B book, or other chosen book.



LANGUAGE ARTS: Do one lesson per day in their G&B workbooks. Practice spelling and any poetry/phonics/sight words/etc… as noted.


​Littles: We're going to work on beginning letter/number writing. Really just letting them do as much as they're interested in now. (Your Little One can also copy sentences from books or that you write down if they're hungry for more writing practice and have their letters down really, really well. Going over their letters again, even if they know them, is fine too! The point is to keep a relaxed environment where we get REALLY strong with the basics and foster a love for learning and exploring!)

Monday: Practice printing the letter 'H', Hh, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter H.

BONUS : Learn more about H!


Tuesday: Practice printing the letter 'J', Jj, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter J.

BONUS : Learn more about J!


Wednesday: Practice printing the letter 'U', Uu, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter U.

BONUS : Learn more about U!


Thursday: Practice printing the letter 'L', Ll, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter L.

BONUS : Learn more about L!


Big Kids: Do your daily activities on Spelling Practice - LEVEL THREE | LEVEL FOUR | LEVEL FIVE | LEVEL SIX


Each day complete one lesson with Daily Grammar, and Quiz at the end of the week. 


Have you ever heard of a diamond poem? Learn about them HERE!


Teens: Complete each day's lesson on the spelling words. Level 7 | Level 8


Log in at Quill. Play around with various assignments. If your Teen is a strong writer, or just uninterested in doing these exercises- feel free to do something different! Let them write letters to friends and family, journal, blog about a topic they're passionate about, etc...


MATHCK12 / Khan Academy / Xtra Math Drills or Ray's Arithmetic. Then play Prodigy, Sum Dog, or pick a game HERE.




BAKING: I know my kids would eat pizza every night if I let them- why not try out these Pizza Pinwheels? Yummmm!



CRAFTING: Let's try embroidery this week! Here's a great site to teach us, supplies are super cheap/easy to find, and you probably have cloth at home that will work for this.



HISTORY:  Read Chapter 5 of The Story of the World, Volume 2.



SCIENCE: Watch an episode of Kid Science, Littles- play a game HERE, Big Kids & Teens- have you seen Myth Busters before?


Prefer a nature study? THIS site has a great breakdown of weekly studies by topic. Follow through the links on the site, go outside and observe what is around you, you can also look up the week's topic on YouTube to observe even more.



P.E.: Let's get up & get moving with this quick workout HERE!


Fed Up is a documentary we highly recommend-- Sugar. It's the culprit to SO many of the health issues we see in mass all around us. Changing how much we consume makes such a difference in our bodies- discuss sugar in your lives after you watch the film. Track how much you consume in a day for the next couple days. How much should you consume? What are natural ways to sweeten the foods we eat? What dietary changes can we make as a family to lessen the amount if daily sugar intake? Maybe a family challenge to quit sodas for a month, or to stop sugary breakfast cereals and eat a healthier option of eggs or oatmeal?




BIBLE: Read Revelation chapters 5-9, one chapter per day, then journal each day about what you read. Refer to The Bible Made Easy for Kids, pages 369-371.


Before you start reading Revelation, I cannot suggest enough that you watch the Revelation series of studies by Andy Woods. Even your older kids could learn a lot from it!


Read one topic in Heaven for Kids each day, pages 59-65.


Read the week's Bible verse as a family before every meal (or more). By the end of the week you should all have it memorized! Print out the PDF of all the year's memory verses to hang up in your school space, let little kids trace the words, and the older kiddos can write it down in their Bible Journal.


Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant. - Galatians 1:10



READING: Continue reading Wonder. (Audiobook HERE) This book is broken up into 7 parts, with little chapters in each. Each day we'll read 3 of those little chapters.This book is broken up into 7 parts, with little chapters in each. Each day we'll read 3 of those little chapters.


Littles: Do one lesson per day in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. (Lessons 36-40) If they're not interested, that's ok! Try again in a bit- just be sure to read together every day as much as they want!


Big Kids: 10-20 minutes of independent reading in their G&B Reader, or other chosen book.


Teens: 20+ minutes of independent reading in their G&B book, or other chosen book.



LANGUAGE ARTS: Do one lesson per day in their G&B workbooks. Practice spelling and any poetry/phonics/sight words/etc… as noted. Be sure to see our notes in the School Supplies PDF about this program for the Littles, Big Kids and Teens.


​Littles: We're going to work on beginning letter/number writing. Really just letting them do as much as they're interested in now. (Your Little One can also copy sentences from books or that you write down if they're hungry for more writing practice and have their letters down really, really well. Going over their letters again, even if they know them, is fine too! The point is to keep a relaxed environment where we get REALLY strong with the basics and foster a love for learning and exploring!)

Monday: Practice printing the letter 'D', Dh, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter D.

     BONUS : Learn more about D!

​Tuesday: Practice printing the letter 'W', Ww, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter W.

     BONUS : Learn more about W!

​Wednesday: Practice printing the letter 'E', Ee, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter E.

     BONUS : Learn more about E!

​Thursday: Practice printing the letter 'N', Nn, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter N.

     BONUS : Learn more about N!


Big Kids: Do your daily activities on Spelling Practice - LEVEL THREE | LEVEL FOUR | LEVEL FIVE | LEVEL SIX


Each day complete one lesson with Daily Grammar, and Quiz at the end of the week. 


Spend some time each day writing your very own story!


Teens: Complete each day's lesson on the spelling words. Level 7 | Level 8


Log in at Quill. Play around with various assignments. If your Teen is a strong writer, or just uninterested in doing these exercises- feel free to do something different! Let them write letters to friends and family, journal, blog about a topic they're passionate about, etc...


MATHCK12 / Khan Academy / Xtra Math Drills or Ray's Arithmetic. Then play Prodigy, Sum Dog, or pick a game HERE.


Teens: Get your teen involved in the household's monthly finances. The best way to prepare our teens for adulthood, is to involve them in adult tasks while they're in our home. Can your teen be responsible for paying one of the family bills? Maybe each month they can be responsible for logging in online and paying a certain bill, show them how to track it in your checkbook, or how to log in to your bank account and confirm the funds before doing so. Electricity, tv, internet-- none of this is free. Let's teach our teens how we budget and pay everything each month for them. Maybe you're struggling with your budget- involving them in the struggles and successes are important.




BAKING: What about trying out these yummy quesadillas for lunch or dinner?



CRAFTING: Spend some time working on one of the skills we've covered so far- which is your favorite? These crafts are forming skills- how fun it would be to make someone special a handmade item for a birthday or holiday gift? Maybe a special gift for someone like your mailman, doctor, or librarian? Handmade gifts are so, so special!



HISTORY: Read Chapter 6 of The Story of the World, Volume 2.



SCIENCE: Go back to CK12 and select one of the science topics to explore. You can do this as a family, or individually depending on your kid(s) and their interests.


Prefer a nature study? THIS site has a great breakdown of weekly studies by topic. Follow through the links on the site, go outside and observe what is around you, you can also look up the week's topic on YouTube to observe even more.



P.E.: How much sugar have you been consuming? Was it more than you thought? What family challenge did you decide on? Let's get up and get moving with THIS video.




BIBLE: Read Revelation chapters 10-14, one chapter per day, then journal each day about what you read. Every Sunday Pastor JD Farag posts a prophecy update HERE- watch these as a family. We are seeing the stones being laid all over the world to set the stage for the scriptures to be fulfilled! What a time to be alive-- and how important for us to share the gospel of Jesus with everyone!


Before you start reading Revelation, I cannot suggest enough that you watch the Revelation series of studies by Andy Woods. Even your older kids could learn a lot from it!


Read one topic in Heaven for Kids each day, pages 67-75.


Read the week's Bible verse as a family before every meal (or more). By the end of the week you should all have it memorized! Print out the PDF of all the year's memory verses to hang up in your school space, let little kids trace the words, and the older kiddos can write it down in their Bible Journal.


Our people must learn to do good by meeting the urgent needs of others; then they will not be unproductive. - Titus 3:14



READING: Continue reading Wonder. (Audiobook HERE) This book is broken up into 7 parts, with little chapters in each. Each day we'll read 3 of those little chapters.This book is broken up into 7 parts, with little chapters in each. Each day we'll read 3 of those little chapters.


Littles: Do one lesson per day in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. (Lessons 41-45) If they're not interested, that's ok! Try again in a bit- just be sure to read together every day as much as they want!


Big Kids: 10-20 minutes of independent reading in their G&B Reader, or other chosen book.


Teens: 20+ minutes of independent reading in their G&B book, or other chosen book.



LANGUAGE ARTS: Do one lesson per day in their G&B workbooks. Practice spelling and any poetry/phonics/sight words/etc… as noted. Be sure to see our notes in the School Supplies PDF about this program for the Littles, Big Kids and Teens.


​Littles: Pick a game to play! If they're not interested in their G&B workbook (or other workbook), that's ok! They'll get there when they're ready. Let them play, let them help, they're still so young! :)


We're going to work on beginning letter/number writing. Really just letting them do as much as they're interested in now. (Your Little One can also copy sentences from books or that you write down if they're hungry for more writing practice and have their letters down really, really well. Going over their letters again, even if they know them, is fine too! The point is to keep a relaxed environment where we get REALLY strong with the basics and foster a love for learning and exploring!)

Monday: Practice printing the letter 'K', Kk, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter K.

BONUS : Learn more about K!

​Tuesday: Practice printing the letter 'Q', Qq, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter Q.

BONUS : Learn more about Q!

​Wednesday: Practice printing the letter 'V', Vv, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter V.

BONUS : Learn more about V!


Big Kids: Do your daily activities on Spelling Practice - LEVEL THREE | LEVEL FOUR | LEVEL FIVE | LEVEL SIX


Each day complete one lesson with Daily Grammar, and Quiz at the end of the week. 


Try making a comic strip


Teens: Complete each day's lesson on the spelling words. Level 7 | Level 8


Log in at Quill. Play around with various assignments. If your Teen is a strong writer, or just uninterested in doing these exercises- feel free to do something different! Let them write letters to friends and family, journal, blog about a topic they're passionate about, etc...


MATHCK12 / Khan Academy / Xtra Math Drills or Ray's Arithmetic. Then play Prodigy, Sum Dog, or pick a game HERE.


Teens: Have you and your teen been working together to handle the family finances? Maybe seeing how much everything actually costs will help them understand what it really takes to keep a household running. We know that we have to take care of our responsibilities, but what about the excess? If/when there is extra money after our basic needs are met (not talking excess and extravagance), what should we do with that? Search the scriptures together- how should we steward our means? Does your teen have any suggestions on adjustments you should make as a family to serve God with your financial means? Discuss this together and then pray about it- where is God calling you?




BAKINGCheesecake brownies?!? Are you kidding me? Yes- we're making these this week. YUMMM!!!



CRAFTING: How about some needlepoint work with doing a plastic canvas needlework- see more here.I'm sure we all remember these types of projects from when we were kids-- maybe your kids could make a wall hanging or kleenex box cover this week? :)



HISTORY: Read Chapter 7 in The Story of the World Volume 2.



SCIENCE: Let's get out and do a nature study this week! This site HERE does a great job explaining the details. Continue using THIS site for weekly topics. Follow through the links on the site, go outside and observe what is around you, you can also look up the week's topic on YouTube to observe even more.



P.E.: Get up and get moving! Here's a fun family workout!






BIBLE: Read Revelation chapters 15-19, one chapter per day, then journal each day about what you read. Every Sunday Pastor JD Faraq posts a prophecy update HERE- watch these as a family. We are seeing the stones being laid all over the world to set the stage for the scriptures to be fulfilled! What a time to be alive-- and how important for us to share the gospel of Jesus with everyone!


Before you start reading Revelation, I cannot suggest enough that you watch the Revelation series of studies by Andy Woods. Even your older kids could learn a lot from it!


Read one topic in Heaven for Kids each day, pages 76-83.


Read the week's Bible verse as a family before every meal (or more). By the end of the week you should all have it memorized! Print out the PDF of all the year's memory verses to hang up in your school space, let little kids trace the words, and the older kiddos can write it down in their Bible Journal.


When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. - Romans 5:6



READING:  Continue reading Wonder. (Audiobook HERE) This book is broken up into 7 parts, with little chapters in each. Each day we'll read 3 of those little chapters.This book is broken up into 7 parts, with little chapters in each. Each day we'll read 3 of those little chapters.


Littles: Do one lesson per day in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons (46-50). If they're not interested, that's ok! Try again in a bit- just be sure to read together every day as much as they want!


Big Kids: 10-20 minutes of independent reading in their G&B Reader, or other chosen book.


Teens: 20+ minutes of independent reading in their G&B book, or other chosen book.



LANGUAGE ARTS: Do one lesson per day in their G&B workbooks. Practice spelling and any poetry/phonics/sight words/etc… as noted. Be sure to see our notes in the School Supplies PDF about this program for the Littles, Big Kids and Teens.


​Littles: Pick a game to play! If they're not interested in their G&B workbook (or other workbook), that's ok! They'll get there when they're ready. Let them play, let them help, they're still so young! :)


We're going to work on beginning letter/number writing. Really just letting them do as much as they're interested in now. (Your Little One can also copy sentences from books or that you write down if they're hungry for more writing practice and have their letters down really, really well. Going over their letters again, even if they know them, is fine too! The point is to keep a relaxed environment where we get REALLY strong with the basics and foster a love for learning and exploring!)

Monday: Practice printing the letter 'X', Xx, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter X.

BONUS : Learn more about X!

​Tuesday: Practice printing the letter 'Y', Yy, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter Y.

BONUS : Learn more about Y!

​Wednesday: Practice printing the letter 'Z', Zz, or make up your own in their journal notebook. Here is a video to help them visualize – Letter Z.

BONUS : Learn more about Z!


Big Kids: Do your daily activities on Spelling Practice - LEVEL THREE | LEVEL FOUR | LEVEL FIVE | LEVEL SIX


Each day complete one lesson with Daily Grammar, and Quiz at the end of the week. 


Look through the levels of THESE Writing and Grammar books. Pick a level that suits your kid(s) and work through a lesson each day.


Here's a different comic strip maker- try it out! If your kiddo enjoys comic books- our son HIGHLY recommends the Action Bible, which is the Bible written in a comic book format.


Teens: Complete each day's lesson on the spelling words. Level 7 | Level 8


Log in at Quill. Play around with various assignments. If your Teen is a strong writer, or just uninterested in doing these exercises- feel free to do something different! Let them write letters to friends and family, journal, blog about a topic they're passionate about, etc...


MATHCK12 / Khan Academy / Xtra Math Drills or Ray's Arithmetic. Then play Prodigy, Sum Dog, or pick a game HERE.




BAKING: I know I'm always in need of a good dinner idea- let's try THIS one!



CRAFTING: What do you think of trying to cross stitch? Otherwise- work on one of the skills we've learned already this year. The point in this first term is to introduce ourselves to a variety of things- then we can work with our favorite skills.



HISTORY: Read Chapters 8-9 in The Story of the World Volume 2, and also Chapter 5 of What Really Happened During the Middle Ages.



SCIENCE: Continue using THIS site for weekly topics. Follow through the links on the site, go outside and observe what is around you, you can also look up the week's topic on YouTube to observe even more.



P.E.Here's a new workout to try together this week, how are you guys doing so far? We're never worried about “being skinny” or worrying about being “fat”, it's all about having a healthy body and fueling it as God intended it to be. Maybe think of reading Home Made Health by Dr. Raymond & Dorothy Moore.




BIBLE: Finish reading Revelation chapters 20-22 and then Psalms 1&2, 3&4 (2 Psalms per day), then journal each day about what you read. Every Sunday Pastor JD Farag posts a prophecy update HERE- watch these as a family. The Watchman also shows the current events of our day in relation to scripture.


Before you start reading Revelation, I cannot suggest enough that you watch the Revelation series of studies by Andy Woods. Even your older kids could learn a lot from it! Also, The Bible Made Easy for Kids, pages 373-375 and 139-142.


Read one topic in Heaven for Kids each day, pages 84-88.


Read the week's Bible verse as a family before every meal (or more). By the end of the week you should all have it memorized! Print out the PDF of all the year's memory verses to hang up in your school space, let little kids trace the words, and the older kiddos can write it down in their Bible Journal. Discuss this-- what is the Lord's anger and His day of destruction? How will He protect us?


Seek the Lord, all who are humble, and follow His commands. Seek to do what is right, and to live humbly. Perhaps, even yet, the Lord will protect you- protect you from His anger on that day of destruction. - Zephaniah 2:3



READING: Continue reading Wonder. (Audiobook HERE) This book is broken up into 7 parts, with little chapters in each. Each day we'll read 3 of those little chapters.This book is broken up into 7 parts, with little chapters in each. Each day we'll read 3 of those little chapters. How are you liking it so far?


Littles: Do one lesson per day in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons (51-55). If they're not interested, that's ok! Try again in a bit- just be sure to read together every day as much as they want!


Big Kids: 10-20 minutes of independent reading in their G&B Reader, or other chosen book.


Teens: 20+ minutes of independent reading in their G&B book, or other chosen book.



LANGUAGE ARTS: Do one lesson per day in their G&B workbooks. Practice spelling and any poetry/phonics/sight words/etc… as noted. Do as much or as little as works for your kid(s).


​Littles: We've covered all the letters of the alphabet. Let them put together letters as they like- that can be writing their name (you can dot out the letters in a journal for them to trace, or they can write them on their own), copying down lines from books, making little cards and letters to give to friends and family, writing with chalk on the sidewalk, anything to just continue using the letters and strengthening the fine motor skills. Nothing formal or super stressful, just lots of play time where you can point out letters and sounds and they can jump into writing practice as much as they'd like.


You can start doing a lesson each week (or day, as your little may be interested) in the first level of THIS series. Even if you just read it together- no pressure if they're not interested.


Pick a game to play HERE!


Big Kids: Do your daily activities on Spelling Practice - LEVEL THREE | LEVEL FOUR | LEVEL FIVE | LEVEL SIX


Each day complete one lesson with Daily Grammar, and Quiz at the end of the week. 


Continue with a lesson per day with THESE Writing and Grammar books.


Teens: Complete each day's lesson on the spelling words. Level 7 | Level 8


Log in at Quill. Play around with various assignments. If your Teen is a strong writer, or just uninterested in doing these exercises- feel free to do something different! Let them write letters to friends and family, journal, blog about a topic they're passionate about, etc...


MATHCK12 / Khan Academy / Xtra Math Drills or Ray's Arithmetic. Then play Prodigy, Sum Dog, or pick a game HERE.




BAKING: Let's try this fun Taco Casserole for dinner! What a treat for a recipe that the kiddo(s) can make for the family!



CRAFTING: Felt is such a versatile material! Let's try out a felt project (or two) this week! Be sure to hop on Instagram or Facebook and share with us what you've made!!!!



HISTORY: Read chapters 10-11 in The Story of the World Volume 2. Watch the videos HERE and HERE.



SCIENCE: Continue using THIS site for weekly topics. Follow through the links on the site, go outside and observe what is around you, you can also look up the week's topic on YouTube to observe even more.



P.E.: Have you started reading Home Made Health? So much wisdom! There are many benefits to what we call HIIT workouts- high intensity interval training. Let's give THIS one a shot this week!




BIBLE: Read two Psalms per day- 5-14, then journal each day about what you read.


Read one topic in Heaven for Kids each day, pages 86-92.


Read the week's Bible verse as a family before every meal (or more). By the end of the week you should all have it memorized! Print out the PDF of all the year's memory verses to hang up in your school space, let little kids trace the words, and the older kiddos can write it down in their Bible Journal.


But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me. I will sing to the Lord because he is good to me. - Psalm 13:5-6



READING: Continue reading Wonder. This book is broken up into 7 parts, with little chapters in each. Each day we'll read 3 of those little chapters. How are you liking it so far?


Littles: Do one lesson per day in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons (56-60). If they're not interested, that's ok! Try again in a bit- just be sure to read together every day as much as they want!


Big Kids: 10-20 minutes of independent reading in their G&B Reader, or other chosen book.


Teens: 20+ minutes of independent reading in their G&B book, or other chosen book.



LANGUAGE ARTS: Do one lesson per day in their G&B workbooks. Practice spelling and any poetry/phonics/sight words/etc… as noted. Do as much or as little as works for your kid(s).


Littles: We've covered all the letters of the alphabet. Let them put together letters as they like- that can be writing their name (you can dot out the letters in a journal for them to trace, or they can write them on their own), copying down lines from books, making little cards and letters to give to friends and family, writing with chalk on the sidewalk, anything to just continue using the letters and strengthening the fine motor skills. Nothing formal or super stressful, just lots of play time where you can point out letters and sounds and they can jump into writing practice as much as they'd like.


You can start doing a lesson each week (or day, as your little may be interested) in the first level of THIS series. Even if you just read it together- no pressure if they're not interested.


Pick a game to play HERE!


Big Kids: Do your daily activities on Spelling Practice - LEVEL THREE | LEVEL FOUR | LEVEL FIVE | LEVEL SIX


Each day complete one lesson with Daily Grammar, and Quiz at the end of the week. 


Continue with a lesson per day with THESE Writing and Grammar books.


Teens: Complete each day's lesson on the spelling words. Level 7 | Level 8


Log in at Quill. Play around with various assignments. If your Teen is a strong writer, or just uninterested in doing these exercises- feel free to do something different! Let them write letters to friends and family, journal, blog about a topic they're passionate about, etc...


MATHCK12 / Khan Academy / Xtra Math Drills or Ray's Arithmetic. Then play Prodigy, Sum Dog, or pick a game HERE.




BAKINGLow sugar, whole wheat, pumpkin muffins. Our homes are going to smell amazing, I'm sure these will be delish- nice and warm! Mmmmm!



CRAFTING: Let's try some more felt projects!!! There's so many fun ideas- here's a few more!



HISTORY: Read chapters 12-13 in The Story of the World Volume 2, and Chapter 4 in What Really Happened in the Middle Ages. Watch the videos HERE and HERE.



SCIENCE: Continue using THIS site for weekly topics. Follow through the links on the site, go outside and observe what is around you, you can also look up the week's topic on YouTube to observe even more.



P.E.Here's another fun video to get us up & moving!




BIBLE: Read two Psalms per day- 15-24, then journal each day about what you read. Write a favorite line in your watercolor notebook and then paint a scene around it. These are all songs, poems-- and a lot of prophecy! Have you noticed any prophetic Psalms yet?


Read one topic in Heaven for Kids each day, pages 94-101.


Read the week's Bible verse as a family before every meal (or more). By the end of the week you should all have it memorized! Print out the PDF of all the year's memory verses to hang up in your school space, let little kids trace the words, and the older kiddos can write it down in their Bible Journal.


And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. - Philippians 1:6



READING: Continue reading Wonder. This book is broken up into 7 parts, with little chapters in each. Each day we'll read 3 of those little chapters. We're nearly done!


Littles: Do one lesson per day in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons (61-65). If they're not interested, that's ok! Try again in a bit- just be sure to read together every day as much as they want!


Big Kids: 10-20 minutes of independent reading in their G&B Reader, or other chosen book.


Teens: 20+ minutes of independent reading in their G&B book, or other chosen book.



LANGUAGE ARTS: Do one lesson per day in their G&B workbooks. Practice spelling and any poetry/phonics/sight words/etc… as noted. Do as much or as little as works for your kid(s).


Littles: We've covered all the letters of the alphabet. Let them put together letters as they like- that can be writing their name (you can dot out the letters in a journal for them to trace, or they can write them on their own), copying down lines from books, making little cards and letters to give to friends and family, writing with chalk on the sidewalk, anything to just continue using the letters and strengthening the fine motor skills. Nothing formal or super stressful, just lots of play time where you can point out letters and sounds and they can jump into writing practice as much as they'd like.


You can start doing a lesson each week (or day, as your little may be interested) in the first level of THIS series. Even if you just read it together- no pressure if they're not interested.


Pick a game to play HERE!


Big Kids: Do your daily activities on Spelling Practice - LEVEL THREE | LEVEL FOUR | LEVEL FIVE | LEVEL SIX


Each day complete one lesson with Daily Grammar, and Quiz at the end of the week. 


Continue with a lesson per day with THESE Writing and Grammar books.


Teens: Complete each day's lesson on the spelling words. Level 7 | Level 8


Log in at Quill. Play around with various assignments. If your Teen is a strong writer, or just uninterested in doing these exercises- feel free to do something different! Let them write letters to friends and family, journal, blog about a topic they're passionate about, etc...


MATHCK12 / Khan Academy / Xtra Math Drills or Ray's Arithmetic. Then play Prodigy, Sum Dog, or pick a game HERE.


Have you thought of doing a meal plan? We do one master meal plan that we switch up monthly, and then do one large shopping trip for the month's groceries. Go look through our YouTube channel for more-- this is a great project for the Teens to learn about and help you put together!



BAKING: Shortbread is such a quick & easy treat-- let's try these Funfetti Shortbread Bites this week!



CRAFTING: We're going to have fun with clay sculpting this week! Pick some up at your local store of choice (or with my BFF, ol' Amazon Prime)- or feel free to make your own if you prefer. The possibilities are endless- here's some inspiration. Share your creations with us on Instagram and Facbook! @MinimalistHomeschool



HISTORY: Read Chapter 14 of The Story of the World Volume 2. Watch some related videos HERE.



SCIENCE: Continue using THIS site for weekly topics. Follow through the links on the site, go outside and observe what is around you, you can also look up the week's topic on YouTube to observe even more. Do you notice things that are changing from week to week as you go for a nature walk and observe these various things around you? Plants, animals, weather?



P.E.: This documentary is a little pricier ($10) but well worth it, Polyfaces. Watch that together- what do you think? Look up Joel Salatin on YouTube- there's many great videos you can watch and learn from. Where does your food come from? What does the production of the food do for God's earth-- and for your body?




BIBLE: Read two Psalms per day- 25-34, then journal each day about what you read. Write a favorite line in your watercolor notebook and then paint a scene around it. These are all songs, poems-- and a lot of prophecy! Have you noticed any prophetic Psalms yet?


Read one topic in Heaven for Kids each day, pages 105-113.


Read the week's Bible verse as a family before every meal (or more). By the end of the week you should all have it memorized! Print out the PDF of all the year's memory verses to hang up in your school space, let little kids trace the words, and the older kiddos can write it down in their Bible Journal.


Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are all accountable. - Hebrews 4:13



READING: Finish reading Wonder. This book is broken up into 7 parts, with little chapters in each. Each day we'll read 3 of those little chapters. After, go watch the movie! What was the same? Different? What did this book and movie teach you?


Littles: Do one lesson per day in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons (61-65). If they're not interested, that's ok! Try again in a bit- just be sure to read together every day as much as they want!


Big Kids: 10-20 minutes of independent reading in their G&B Reader, or other chosen book.


Teens: 20+ minutes of independent reading in their G&B book, or other chosen book.



LANGUAGE ARTS: Do one lesson per day in their G&B workbooks. Practice spelling and any poetry/phonics/sight words/etc… as noted. Do as much or as little as works for your kid(s).


Littles: We've covered all the letters of the alphabet. Let them put together letters as they like- that can be writing their name (you can dot out the letters in a journal for them to trace, or they can write them on their own), copying down lines from books, making little cards and letters to give to friends and family, writing with chalk on the sidewalk, anything to just continue using the letters and strengthening the fine motor skills. Nothing formal or super stressful, just lots of play time where you can point out letters and sounds and they can jump into writing practice as much as they'd like.


You can start doing a lesson each week (or day, as your little may be interested) in the first level of THIS series. Even if you just read it together- no pressure if they're not interested.


Pick a game to play HERE!


Big Kids: Do your daily activities on Spelling Practice - LEVEL THREE | LEVEL FOUR | LEVEL FIVE | LEVEL SIX


Each day complete one lesson with Daily Grammar, and Quiz at the end of the week. 


Continue with a lesson per day with THESE Writing and Grammar books.


Teens: Complete each day's lesson on the spelling words. Level 7 | Level 8


Log in at Quill. Play around with various assignments. If your Teen is a strong writer, or just uninterested in doing these exercises- feel free to do something different! Let them write letters to friends and family, journal, blog about a topic they're passionate about, etc...


MATHCK12 / Khan Academy / Xtra Math Drills or Ray's Arithmetic. Then play Prodigy, Sum Dog, or pick a game HERE.




BAKING: Let's celebrate the completion of Term 1 with these yummy s'mores cups!



CRAFTING: Work on some more clay creations-- or go back and revisit any of the handicrafts we've tried already this year. What's been your favorite so far?



HISTORY: Read Chapter 15 in The Story of the World Volume 2. Then watch the videos HERE.



SCIENCE: Watch an episode of Kid Science, Littles- play a game HERE, Big Kids & Teens- watch Myth Busters!


Continue using THIS site for weekly topics. Follow through the links on the site, go outside and observe what is around you, you can also look up the week's topic on YouTube to observe even more.



P.E.: Let's give THIS video a try! Do you feel any improvement in your flexibility, strength and overall health so far this school year?

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