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About The Minimalist Homeschool

We're a homeschooling family just like you! We started homeschooling our son at the start of 2012 after he had gone to public school (a great public school with teachers we love to this day) for his Kindergarten and part-of-1st Grade years. Since then we've brought our three younger daughters into the mix as well.


For us, homeschool was the best answer. Even though our son went to a great public school with wonderful teachers- it wasn't a system we could completely put ourselves behind. My husband and I both grew up in a mix of public and private schooling and with that experience, private schooling wasn't our answer either.


We homeschool for many reasons, but these are some of the main factors that keep us doing what we do:

Time is short. This life is crazy and flies by too fast-- we want to be together a much as possible and really live each day to the max. No waiting for a 3 day weekend to come up so we can head out on a fun trip- anytime is a cause enough for us!


God first. We believe in the one and true God, we believe that he sent his son Jesus Christ to the world to redeem us all. We believe that the life we should lead and the devotion to His word is much more important than a once a week sermon, it's an all day, every day, matter of the heart.


The modern educational system isn't an environment purposely crafted to inspire a lifelong love of learning. The push on cramming early schooling, the rigid scheduling, the force feeding of random facts, the disconnection between workbook memorization and real life knowledge (how much of what you learned in 13 years of formal schooling do you ACTUALLY use in daily life?), isn't what we want for our children. [Recommended resource HERE!]


Flexibility. Cold and rainy out? Not feeling well? Too busy with our home-based-business? No worries- we have all the flexibility we need! Some days we play more, some days we get lost in snuggling on the couch watching movies, some days the weather is just too pretty out to sit inside doing anything. It's all ok- seize the day!


Minimalist Approach. We have worked over the past few years to take a more minimalist approach to many areas of our lives. Homeschool was one of the last areas that needed a functional, in depth, yet minimalist overhaul. 5 years in the making-- here it is!

Let's Get Started!


Pick the age group(s) for your kids! We have the Littles (ages 5-7), the Big Kids (ages 8-12) and the Teens (ages 13+)

Each group has a full program focusing on the major categories of READING | WRITING | MATH for daily practice and weekly electives of BAKING | HISTORY | CRAFTING | SCIENCE | PE, Bible time for the family is included each day.


The Minimalist Homeschool program is published FREE OF CHARGE, most materials are linked online for free, but some supplies are needed - you can see the School Supply List at the top of the page with a breakdown. I use Amazon's Used Book options often and am able to school 3 children very inexpensively. (We'd rather spend our money on fun trips anyway!)


Get your copy of our FREE eBook to breakdown our process of Minimalism in your Home!

A home crammed full of junk, never ending cleaning, overwhelming clutter -- these things make for frazzled parents and stressed kids. No thank you! We embarked on a journey of Minimalism (with some great Biblical backing) and have never looked back. Our eBook goes hand in hand with the homeschool program and will encourage the whole family to work together to scale down and create a home of peace and serenity.


Connect with us on our Blog, YouTube Channel & Social Media!

We want to do more than just release a homeschool program - we want to open a community for homeschooling families all over! Homeschooling can be an isolating experience (especially for families like us that are a bit more introverted) and the fact that there's so many "ways" to go about it - unschool, Charlotte Mason, Curriculum A or B, Waldorf style... - can be even more segregating. I discuss various topics on our BLOG, share on our family VLOG, post insight into our way of life on INSTAGRAM, and keep an open discussion through FACEBOOK.

Join our mailing list for updates, releases and more!

Biblically Based, Minimalist Minded.

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