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Morning Routine for Minimalist Homeschoolers

Minimalist. Simplicity. Slow Paced. Words I'd describe our mornings with.

We've tried, Lord we've tried, to change up our morning routine and rhythm. Everywhere you read you're told that the best morning routines are where you wake up super early, hit the ground running, yadda yadda. Well, I did that. I started waking up earlier and earlier and could have my whole day accomplished by 11 AM. But it didn't create an environment of serenity and calm-- and that was HUGE to our goal for our home.

Anyone with kids can confirm that kids function best with a routine, a rhythm, some level of predictability. Honestly, we all do. Knowing what to expect to some degree and what lies ahead gives us a sense of security and calm.

Enter our Morning Routine for Minimalist Homeschoolers!

Our kiddos (ages 12, 6 and 3) stay in bed until 7 AM - they'd be out of bed at 4 AM if we let them, so we've come up with a routine on their Kid's Kindle that works perfectly to let them wake up, lounge a bit, and understand timing too. More detail on that later!

After the kids get up at 7, they will usually snuggle in their own beds or all curl up in the living room together. We leave simple food options like a bowl of fruit or toast for them to make a little something if they're hungry. Our oldest will let our big dog out and get him fed about this time too. At this time our home is still calm, quiet, slow. Like a spa... but filled with my favorite humans! ;)

By about 7:45/8:30 the hubby and I finally drag ourselves out of bed, let our little pup out, and soak up all the kiddo snuggles! I start breakfast (usually a rotation of smoothie bowls, oatmeal, pancakes- Birch Benders are THE best! OMG! - eggs, or a cinnamon roll treat!) and make the perfect cup of coffee!

A good friend of mine introduced me to the French Press... then to grinding my own beans... it's the best!

Traditional coffee pots and even the Keurig machines can be crazy full of bacteria and mold with all the parts that you can't reach to properly clean-- it gave me the eebie jeebies! I bought this lovely little copper French Press- it looks pretty sitting on my counter, I can properly clean all parts, and it doubles as my tea pot too! The coffee tastes so different and it's super easy to use! Even my 12 year old will make up a batch of fresh coffee for us!

Next I got hooked on grinding up my own coffee beans-- holy smokes! I don't know how we're all drinking the preground stuff! I fell in love with these antique looking grinders - if it's going to be sitting on my counter it better be pretty! ;) Some organic coffee beans, my grinder and the French Press -- PERFECT coffee!

Since the kids are all fed, dogs have gone out and been fed, and I've got the perfect cup of java- the kids usually are playing with Legos or off in their rooms getting a little more rambunctious by now. I settle down into my rocking chair, start a fire (or sit on the porch on warm mornings), curl up with my little weenie pup on my lap, coffee in hand and hit the Bible!

Spending time in the Bible should be a habit to us like feeding the kids or making the perfect cup of coffee. It's such a important time and can really make a difference to your heart and outlook toward the whole day. Pick a certain book, start reading at the very beginning- whatever it is. Spend some time and read! The kids all know that after I've taken care of them, this is my time to sit down and be fed in the word. They go off to play and will rarely interrupt me-- I'm polite to remind them that mommy's Bible time is VERY important and I will be with them when I'm done. Your kids need to see that this time with you and the Lord IS very important and must be respected-- they will live by your example. More on this habit written HERE.

I'm usually wrapping up my Bible time by 10 AM or so, I get dressed, make sure kids have gotten dressed and brushed their teeth/hair by now, everyone makes their beds and we finish straightening up if we haven't already (dishes put away, breakfast cleaned up, table wiped down, etc...). We've had a nice, slow, peaceful morning and are ready to get rolling a bit. We do our family Bible reading, independent studying and then the kids will usually head outside to play.

That's our morning routine - calm, relaxed, slow. Soak in each moment, every day- stop rushing when you can! Starting the day slow can be a great way to center yourself and lay the foundation for a loving and serene environment. Moving towards a minimalist approach on our homeschooling, our slow morning rhythms and our focus on God and true moments together makes such a difference to the fast paced, constant stress, over screened, over scheduled lives our society encourages.

Try it out- what's your ideal way to start each and every day? Slowly, without an alarm clock, snuggling my family and enjoying a healthy breakfast with some gourmet coffee and ME time in the Bible were all on my list. I love waking up each day, rested, relaxed, and ready to take on whatever comes. 😘

[This post includes affiliate links - our MINIMALIST HOMESCHOOL PLAN will be released FREE of charge, checking out our affiliate links is greatly appreciated instead of having to purchase any of the homeschool content we'll be releasing! 😊 Thanks a bunch!]

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