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Passover ✝

This upcoming Monday, April 10th, is the start of Passover. My husband and I were both raised in Christian homes, attended church our whole lives (mainly Calvary Chapels) and even went to private Christian schooling. This time of year it's all about Easter. Jesus' resurrection. 'Rejoice for He is risen' is the reason of the season. And that's fine. This article has nothing against that. Just to clarify. ;)

With my plan to read through the whole Bible and my husband a full time student in seminary, we spent more time looking in depth at the Old Testament. In case you haven't read it, Yhwh - the Lord Almighty - God is pretty clear about the HOLYdays -aka- holidays we are to celebrate. What they are, when they are, what to do. They're all gifts from Him, and they're wonderful (7 in all, of course- He loves things in 7's!).

Passover being one of the biggest, is talked about frequently all throughout our Bible - see HERE. The more we read all this and noted frequently how the Passover is spoken of, how it's celebrated, and mainly- how SERIOUS it is to God -- the more we read all this, the more we questioned why Passover isn't an important holiday to Christians like Easter is... cover to cover, you never see Easter or Christmas set as a holiday in a Bible... just saying. ;)

So- we felt it weigh on our hearts that we want to honor and observe Passover. We do not know of the Jewish traditions and happenings other than what we read on the internet, so everything we're doing is based off of scripture and our simpleton understanding.

Our plan to honor and observe Passover ✝

Starting Monday, we will honor the day as a Sabbath -- no work.

We will be cutting all leavened bread - that's all bread/bread products that have had yeast or another agent in them for the bread to rise. This will be a rule for our family from Monday to Monday.

We will bake unleavened bread together. I've never done so before and am relying on online recipes to get us through... we'll see how it goes!

Monday we will have a feast! We will light candles, pull out the nice china (aka, the plates from Dollar Tree with a gold rim ;) I will roast a leg of lamb, make our favorite veggies, and we will break (unleavened) bread at the table just like Jesus did with the disciples at the Last Supper. There will also be lots of sweet wine- that was a key ingredient in the Bible... I am on-board.

Daddy will lead our family through the exodus, and how the Passover was shown to God's people over and over again in the Bible. We will talk about Jesus being our final Passover lamb and how it all ties together.

Our week will go on fairly normal, except for it being our Holy Week / Spring Break and there's no set school work. More time for family play outside! Sunday we'll have a special service with the hubby out on our property, surrounded by God's creation and speaking on the importance of all things Jesus. We will hide eggs filled with treats around the fields for the kids to hunt down. We will play, we will give thanks for another day together.

Monday we will have another day of special rest/Sabbath and enjoy another full feast. I've ordered a couple special gospel records to play on my new record player, I cannot wait!

That's our plan for Passover! In reading, in praying for wisdom and understanding to feeling a calling on our hearts to put the Lord's Holy day- Passover in a special position of observance. It may not be perfect in a traditional Jewish set up... but I pray our hearts are in the right place, and that's what matters. God says come together, eat unleavened bread, retell the story of the first Passover, feast together. Got it.

Do you celebrate Passover? We'd love to hear what you do- we pray that maybe this might shed some light to others like us that we're never taught to hold Passover in a high regard of something we should take seriously and observe each year. 🙏

Hope you have a great week off- enjoy some time together as a family, how lucky we are for each day God gives us to be with our loved ones!

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