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Using The Minimalist Home & Tackling Our Laundry Room!

I shared yesterday how the house was driving me bananas 😆, and luckily (for me) I wasn't alone! It seems to be a reoccurring thing that you mama's out there blink and some point and your homes are also overtaken with STUFF.

So, in FULL openness and lacking any pretty online-world filter, I shared more about our FREE eBook The Minimalist Home, the process we go through to minimize down the clutter in our home, gave a FULL tour of our hot-mess-house (😝) and showed you how I tackled our laundry room in just a couple hours. Woo hoo!

Episode 2 of our Family Vlog: The Laundry Room Disaster 😎

I'm trying to muster up my energy today to head into the girls' room next and tackle that. (Prayers accepted) We'll have the next vlog to share with you in the next day or so-- and Bible study with the kid's will start posting on Monday!

AS SEEN IN TODAY'S EPISODE: Projector: Jumbo Screen: Roby, our automatic vacuum: Rebel Green cleaning products: Castille Soap: Floor Scrubber/Mop: Coat Rack: Record Player: Exercise Bike / son's coat rack: Self Cleaning Litter Box: Bible study with the kid's will be posted Monday thru Friday -- and more vlogs with family fun, minimalist homeschool and our continuous journey to a minimalist home. Have a beautiful day friends-- thank you Lord for this opportunity to share and connect! 🤗

Don't forget to grab your copy of our eBook, The Minimalist Home!

[This post includes affiliate links - our MINIMALIST HOMESCHOOL PLAN is released FREE of charge, checking out our affiliate links is greatly appreciated instead of having to purchase any of the homeschool content we'll be releasing! 😊 Thanks a bunch!]

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