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Using The Minimalist Home and tackling the littles' room!

We've shown you our hot mess house, tackled our laundry room, and now the girls' room got an overhaul. (again) We've gotten rid of all the toys before, but somehow stuff shows back up. Grandma sends $10.... birthday's happen.... stuff grows while I sleep I think. So, regardless of what you do and how intentional you are about what comes in, I think we're all bound to have to revisit the steps at some point.

People always ask me how big of a deal it is for my kids when we go through this process. And while there is grumbling (like in THIS video when my daughters straight up bolted as soon as I told them what we were doing....) and little freak outs can happen, it really isn't that big of a deal and they're over it pretty quick. I think the fact that they see the results of the process and how it makes them feel to not be overwhelmed with it all, makes a huge difference. Plus- we've been doing this specific process for the past couple years so it's not like they haven't seen how I roll. 😎

Episode 3 | Kiddos and their STUFF

We've heard from many of you that this specific topic, especially with the holidays here, is definitely weighing on you. Hope this little peek at how we tackle the kid's space can be a help. Be sure to grab your FREE copy of The Minimalist Home below for more!


Play Tents:

3 Drawer Dresser/System:

Toy Baskets: Couldn't find a link, but they were in our Wal Mart by the other baskets near vacuums and such. I like metal, since plastic is full of toxins and breaks anyway.

Kid's Tablets: Self Cleaning Litter Box:

[This post includes affiliate links - our MINIMALIST HOMESCHOOL PLAN is released FREE of charge, checking out our affiliate links is greatly appreciated instead of having to purchase any of the homeschool content we'll be releasing! 😊 Thanks a bunch!]

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